Recent content by Eternal

  1. Eternal

    What city, state, or country you born?

    My turkey was alright but the damn dog ate the fucking pies. Damn animals, they suck but easier to live with than little ass kids..
  2. Eternal

    Angry Video Game Nerd

    the tourettes guy is dead
  3. Eternal

    What are you Getting for Christmas

    I might just trade in my GH3 and get Galaxy.
  4. Eternal

    What are you Getting for Christmas

    Damn if only I had money.
  5. Eternal

    Should we have less super mods?

    Personally, I don't think it really matters. Do you think it's going to offend people or what the fuck? It's probably for the better so if someone's fucking around anyone of you alone can be on and do something like lock a thread or something.
  6. Eternal

    What are you Getting for Christmas

    Mini's are pretty sturdy but my friend sat on his nano and fucked up his screen. The fact that he ways a good sum might also have played a factor.
  7. Eternal

    Joe: Before And After

    Oh, I never read that Shoutbox shit.
  8. Eternal

    Angry Video Game Nerd

    I really liked the Powerglove and the Silver Surfer ones. The Simpsons one was pretty funny. The Spiderman song is fucking priceless.
  9. Eternal

    Joe: Before And After

    There are 666 threads in this forum.
  10. Eternal

    What are you Getting for Christmas

    Yeah, i got an original iPod mini from a pawn shop a year and a half ago and it still works fine. But I will admit if you don't take care of them they are prone to break.
  11. Eternal

    Assassin's Creed

    I'm glad this game is good. I told my friend to get it instead of getting Halo 3 back. I guess I'll be spending a few hours with his 360.
  12. Eternal

    Joe: Before And After

    I'm diggin' the hair, along with other attributes.. (Giggity)
  13. Eternal

    Angry Video Game Nerd

    Anybody see his videos? I assume you all have and I will say he's pretty funny/ But the Halloween episode was gay as fuck.
  14. Eternal

    The Best Thread

    MadTV is a sad ripoff of SNL, which has also declined in funniness... (Insert Funny GIF Here)
  15. Eternal

    What are you Getting for Christmas

    Most Likely: But if I get only money: For two reasons: and