Recent content by MasterChief

  1. M


    nah I think it just means an important thread.... that's all there is to it...
  2. M

    FFXII scans

    yeah that part does look pretty cool :D
  3. M


    the vB IM is a pretty good option.... its like the shoutbox except alot faster (real time) and has the ability to open multiple public chatrooms.... its neato :D
  4. M

    Your Car

    shoulda kept the RX-7 :D
  5. M

    RP Comic

    yeah guys whats up with this stuff?
  6. M

    Final Fantasy XII

    like FF7.... they werent all that "fancy". they were "plain and simple". look at the pictures in FF12.... van looks like a weirdo...
  7. M

    Media and Violence

    1 thing, children aren't supposed to act like adults.... its the teenagers.... thats why you dont usually see kids carying guns and braking into kwiki marts :D
  8. M

    Online games

    are you talking about multiplayer or just games that happen to be playable online?
  9. M

    Final Fantasy XII

    actually It might be Arch"i" but Im not sure... shoulda paid more attention in Japanese :D but why does everyone have to look like weirdos? they should keep them plain and simple...
  10. M

    Favorite automobile?

    why would you feel sorry? sounds like a nice over protected multi million dollar neighborhood :D
  11. M

    Your Car

    I was going to get a 2002 maxima.... but insurance for that car is a rip... so I didnt get it...
  12. M

    Advent Children Screenshots

    it is? oh well Im not into FF all that much anymore.... it started to bore me...
  13. M

    Media and Violence

    I think that "now" it has to do with where you live... you know the envirenment of the people surrounding you... and stuff like drugs and alcohol... and you know... friends going into gangs and you hate your life so you join too... there are many things...
  14. M

    My Avatar

    sorry that looks like jew got hamzord to me :D
  15. M

    Your Car

    I dont drive yet either but I already have a car.... it sounds weird but its cool :D