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  1. Natalie

    Three Wishes

    so when i get my GENIE :@!!!!!!!
  2. Natalie

    Three Wishes

  3. Natalie

    Three Wishes

    lulz fine hmm unlimited money 2. World peace < LULZ no.. umm sure why not lets have good health in my family and friends?... 3. can i have the healing powers? or maybe ...Intelligence
  4. Natalie

    Three Wishes

    1.Money, lots of it :O 2.healing powers?.... or or a Healing fountain that'd be tight. 3.unlimitied wishes!. but cant... so thats gay... i'd wish for another Genie
  5. Natalie

    What is the best soda

    Orangina? =O or Fanta?
  6. Natalie


    Yah Trick YAH!
  7. Natalie

    What is the best soda

    Havent seen it. and i dont really drink soda either..
  8. Natalie


    Ever seen IRON CHEF. its pretty intense
  9. Natalie

    Moveset Videos

    ah i see. haha.
  10. Natalie

    Moveset Videos

    so i dont see the point of these haha ....? practice? or somthing.. horrible not that entertaining haha
  11. Natalie

    Does anyone really need to read this?

    epic shirt
  12. Natalie

    Oh for fuck's sake

    grats. my grandpa's trying to gets me a scholarship :o
  13. Natalie

    Does anyone really need to read this?

    thats too much reading for one night.
  14. Natalie

    What is the best soda

    I use to get root beer all the time when i came on hoilday back to the U.S... now its not that great haha. Cherry cokes pretty BA.. what ever happend to Vanilla coke?
  15. Natalie

    Oh for fuck's sake

    shoulda did one for this year!. :O school almost overrrr!!!!oneonoenoeneon11111!! Finally XD. i has a 70 (D) in Physics yay!. =[ lowest ever gotten in my life. lol
  16. Natalie

    best Jokes ever!

    What on earth is that 0.0
  17. Natalie

    Does anyone really need to read this? some of them are pretty funny.
  18. Natalie

    You Know What's Fantastic?

  19. Natalie

    Does anyone really need to read this?

    lest wikiafterdark has some interesting facts/topics/how to haha
  20. Natalie

    I might have won a car...

    hmm. ill contribute when i get home.