I have no idea why I'm cracking up so bad to Oob's posts.
I don't mean to make fun of the situation, but I really want to know: Since you have to special order, do you just go to the store and give them a random size? Do they have to measure you? Are most of your clothes special ordered?
If any of you can top this video, please do so. I don't really think it's debatable, but you're willing to try.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5yMY3Mdaglo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Easily the best looking game on the 360.
Campaign has some WAT moments, but it's pretty good. By far the most difficult of the Halo games. Heroic and Legendary are damn near impossible.
lol @ putting Zelda and ruined in the same sentence.
Unless it was something like: Zelda ruined my marriage because I'd rather play Wind Waker than be with my wife.
Yeah, I'll grab it.
I thought the multiplayer was becoming the sci-fi Call of Duty, but the combination of some of the old material with some new tweaks actually makes it look pretty good.
I'm iffy about how they've tweaked griff ball but their biggest goal in Halo 4's multiplayer is to try to...
This will go one of two ways. Disney will either save the franchise by hiring top-notch writers and directors, or they'll further drive the nail into the coffin of the universe that started with Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and all the awesomeness that was the first three movies, then ended with Jar...
Meh. ESPN mentions in for five seconds every day and moves on.
ESPN doesn't hold the rights to the NHL like they do for other sports, so they're pretty much only allowed to show highlights and have that one analyst, Barry Melrose, on every now and then. It barely gets any attention, which...
There just really isn't a hockey culture in the south. It's all football and baseball. Yeah, people follow it and know what's going on in the NHL, but even if we want to watch it on tv, we can't because the only station that has rights to air it is Versus. People follow it down here, but it's...