unlimited money
2. World peace < LULZ no.. umm sure why not lets have good health in my family and friends?...
3. can i have the healing powers?
or maybe ...Intelligence
1.Money, lots of it :O
2.healing powers?.... or or a Healing fountain that'd be tight.
3.unlimitied wishes!. but cant... so thats gay...
i'd wish for another Genie
I use to get root beer all the time when i came on hoilday back to the U.S...
now its not that great haha.
Cherry cokes pretty BA.. what ever happend to Vanilla coke?
shoulda did one for this year!.
:O school almost overrrr!!!!oneonoenoeneon11111!!
Finally XD. i has a 70 (D) in Physics yay!. =[
lowest ever gotten in my life. lol