some new headphones, need a bigger set.
some super kick ass blanket thats just retarded soft.
a 12 speaker surround system with a 200 watt sub
black lights.
that plus food and money should be good,
but i might just settle for a hooker what ever cums first.
hey zeroxx long time no, see. glad to have you back and such. try to keep posting, i don't half the shit thats going on around here but it provides mild entertainment and every once in awhile you get into it. it's like soft porn, yeah welcome back =)
yes, just because the instant you die you loose 12 oz of your bodyweight. I've been looking for the article where i read this but can't find it right now, i'll post it later if i come across it.
Alright so this game of sorts works out by listing things that make you feel old, I'll start.
1. When i see 6 year olds with cellphones.
(I mean wtf fuck i didn't even have an electric tooth brush let alone my own cell
phone at 6)
2. Owning a master card, and 2 visa's
(and constantly...
96 cavalier and 94 taurus, both are poor but the cavalier is in mint condition so it looks nice, red with limo tint windows, the taurus has a clarion sound system that came with the car when i bought it, it's decent and the rides nice but it's ugly as hell, white with red interior.