I'll miss the cupcakes. I can't eat Twinkies anymore, they just taste like garbage to me. The fruit pies ... delicious, but my god. So calorie-filled, the only way I could justify eating them is if a meteor were about to slam into the earth.
I want THIS cat:
If I had him, it would be impossible to be depressed. Or maybe I'd like a Scottish fold or less grumpy Munchkin kitty.
It refers to the slant, not your retardation level. Take a picture of your eye, Casey.
You have quite a slant there, SAB.
I wonder if the blue-eyed regulars in here out-number the hazels and browns.
Jesus Christ my eye looks big there. Anyway, the inner corner of your eye being lower than your outer is called a mongoloid slant. I have a very slight one, Casey's is more prominent.
Your outer corner is at least parallel (from what I could tell) and possibly a bit lower.
I notice this...
You were the one talking about his "gorgeously intense blue eyes".
I haven't seen that picture, only one from further away. He does have a nearly anti-mongoloid slant, though.
Nah, it's a tv show kinda thing. I can't promise it's any less creepy, but it's definitely a different tone than Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job!
On second though, it's probably JUST as creepy.