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  1. Dave


  2. Dave


    It was blatantly obvious going into the ME 2 DLC back in 2011 that they had written themselves into a corner. The original 3 release just proved that and it was justified to be pissed at the time. Kudos to them for the damage control over time, but I thought, outside of the Aria Omega/Cerberus...
  3. Dave


    I think the thing about ME 3 is after having it sitting on my digital shelf for a couple years and going back and playing the legendary edition trilogy is all the bullshit from the original release is gone now. Ending be damned, it's just about going and hanging out with my boys Garrus and...
  4. Dave


  5. Dave


  6. Dave


  7. Dave

    Digital Marketing in Chennai

    I agree, I think the spirit temple in OoT is the best temple.
  8. Dave


    We peaked as a civilization in 2006-2007
  9. Dave

    Two HTML Programs..

    Thanks pal, but we all had Myspace to practice our HTML skills
  10. Dave


    His visit to the Amish country is still an all timer
  11. Dave

    old man thread

  12. Dave

    Lisa Filipek and Erica Barmash are Racist, 193 Clinton Avenue

    THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED!! You're a true patriot, Han. God Bless
  13. Dave

    The Saga of The Day Before

    No way in hell the game heavily using unreal marketplace assets cost more than a million to develop. Some random kid in his basement could've put this game together in a few days. This has to be the worst marketing job in gaming history. At the end if the day, they're just taking the money and...
  14. Dave

    The Saga of The Day Before

    So, they advertise it as some next-gen MMO survival horror and it ends up just being an ugly and buggy sandbox game with zombies. But, hey, I guess I was wrong. The game did exist. Looks like that would have been the best thing for everyone.
  15. Dave

    GTA VI

    100+ million views in less than 24 hours. Holy Mary Magdalene. I need this game like I need oxygen.
  16. Dave

    GTA VI

    Especially after Zelda, I'm about done with these massive open world games, BUT I'll make an exception for a Rockstar open world game. They're probably taking a lot of the better concepts from RDR2 and implementing them into VI (i.e. a certain area of the map will be thick forest with wildlife...
  17. Dave


    The RPG elements of ME1. The emphasis of more personal stories and bonding with your crew of ME2. The shooting combat of ME3 and Andromeda. Set up armor and customization like God of War. Each piece of armor has mod slots. Most slots are just basic stat boosts but the special mods actually give...
  18. Dave

    The Callisto Protocol

    I had been looking forward to it for a long time, but it really missed the mark. Boring and repetitive. Not even remotely close to Dead Space outside of being a survivor horror in space. Dead Space remake is very good, for what it's worth. Congrats on getting it for free though.
  19. Dave


    Oh, they got me hooked with the classic N7 logo and look. Damn you, Bioware!