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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
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Majora's Mask

Fierce Diety Anywhere

First, put on the bunny ears. Then leave Clock Town and play the song of double time, so it's night of the first day. Then put the Fierce Diety Mask on a 'c' button. Now call Epona, and ride to Milk Road. Go to the Owl Statue, and Z-Target it. Back up as far as you can but still have your z-target on. Save and quit.

Now enter the file, and it should have Link on Epona running. Steer away from the statue and press the button Fierce Diety Mask is on. Link will transform, but don't touch anything until Dawn of the Second Day! Link should have his bow out, and you'll hear a constant beeping noise. On Dawn of the Next day, the noise will be gone and it will be safe to touch. Hold the Z button and press A to get off of Epona.

Link will fall through the ground and reappear. You are now FD Link, outside of Boss Battles. Don't talk to shopkeepers or anyone in the Bomb Gang, because the game will freeze. Don't try going to the Observatory, or you'll get stuck in the ceiling. You can't use C- items while Fierce Diety Link.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Deku, Goron, and Zora Link on Epona.

First, put on bunny ears and leave clocktown. Put the transformation mask of your choice on a c button. Ride to Milk Road, and Z-target the owl statue and back up as far as you can but still have the z-target on. Save and quit.

Enter your file again, and it should show Link riding Epona into a wall. Steer away from the owl statue and press the c button the mask is on. Link will transform. You will now have control of Epona. Link will be stuck in the air, transformed. Get Epona under him and press A. Tatl should say something, but Link will get on Epona anyway. It might take a few tries, but it's actually rather easy.

Deku Link can shoot arrows still, but it isn't recommended.
Goron Link freezes if you try shooting arrows.
For Zora Link, instead of arrows he throws his boomerangs.

Also, you can use C-Items on Epona right now, so this is the chance for you to be able to use a Powder Keg on Epona while not Goron Link. Pressing Start makes it so you can no longer use C items on Epona. If you get off of Epona, you won't be able to get back on in your transformed state.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Put on Giant's Mask Outside of Stone Temple.

(Be aware, although Link puts on his mask- you can't use him. You're controlling Epona while Link is stuck in the air, and you're stuck in Milk Road)

Put on bunny ears, and leave Clocktown. Put the Giant's Mask on a C-button. Ride Epona to Milk Road. Z-target the Owl Statue and back up as far as you can while still Z-tagetting. Save and quit.

Enter your file again, and it should show Link riding Epona into a wall. Steer away from the statue, and put on the Giant's Mask. Link will scream, and be stuck in transformation. It will show Link as normal size, but with the mask on. He'll be stuck in the air with blue light surrounding the mask. You'll control Epona now, and you can ride up and down Milk Road but you can't leave. It has no use, but it is interesting to watch.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
Who still plays Majora's Mask?

that's a bunch of chicken shit bull shit.