First Impressions: Wii Fit


Weeaboo Queen
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
So, to better myself as a GameStop employee and being the shameless Nintendork I am, I decided to preorder Wii Fit about a month or two ago. And with my glorious employee discount, I got it for the price of about 80 dollars (70 if you subtract the ten buck deposit.) I was never really excited about Wii Fit, to be honest. Because simply 1) I'm sooo lazy and 2) It was the "big hype" at E3 last year. I guess I kinda held a grudge against it for a while, because I wanted to see some SSBB goin' on, or something like that. But, I decided to give it a chance, since it was doing so well in Japan and co-workers sold me on the key features.

First of all, as you can imagine, it's not a weight-loss miracle. But, it does give you an idea of where you're at when it comes to your balance and all that jazz. Like, when I first stepped on the balance board, I was surprised by how bad my posture is. Just to get that red dot in the center of the screen felt like I was about to stand on my fucking tip-toes. While, in fact, I just lean back a lot. So, that is it's basic purpose - to improve your balance and by improving your balance with fun mini-games and exercises, that somehow betters you in exercising and being healthy or whatever. I really enjoy the yoga. :> But that goddamn strength training is a bitch. Lord.

How it keeps track with your progress is kind of the same way that Wii Sports did; every day you do certain activities that will determine your "Wii Fit Age" (Wii Sports had the Fitness Age, or whatever the fuck that was.) When you first set up a profile, you're able to set a certain weight loss goal through spans of time that cover one day to 2 months and so forth. It has enough features to keep me interested in continuing to play it; such as the more minutes you put into exercises, the more "Fit Tokens" you earn, which unlock new mini-games to play.

It's only been one day that I've experimented with it, but I'm liking it. C: