How to make money


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
1) Order something online, say an iPod. When it arrives, don't sign for it, most mail companies will leave it outside your door. Pretend you never got it, go through the motions of making a fuss, the company may send you another one. Note: this might not work if you're dealing with a company who is slightly competant.

2) Go to goodwill and spend 40 bucks on a shitload of cheap womens clothing, all the stuff that is .25 cents and all that. Turn around and sell it at a garage sale, and sell them for 1.00-2.00 each. Womens stuff is important because women tend to shop gargage sales more, and they love to buy clothes. Especially for kids.

3) Print out some fake business cards, call yourself Earth Global Awareness or some shit, and go around asking people for their junk. Metal is worth a shit ton of money and there is junk EVERYWHERE. Same with cans, go to bars and places that will pump out a lot beer/soda cans. Tell them you want their trash and they will usually let you get the trash every 3 days or so. You set it up right, you spend 2 hours driving around and collecting, you can pull in a few hundred bucks without sweating.

Morals be damned! I am not liable if you get into trouble for fraud and iPod theft.