Just a random post pretty much


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Alrighty then! Blog's up and running. I thought I'd start off with just a general post in which I'll probably end up ranting about nothing important.

So I'm finished with my first year of university. It was alright, nothing particularly great. I can't help but get the feeling I'm missing something. It's not especially something I'm going to talk about on the internet, because I've learned that no matter how private you think something is, never EVER put ANYTHING on the internet that you wouldn't want even a single person not to see. Trust me, they'll see it. Personal details just aren't secure on the web. Sure, not a lot of people know about our little site, but there's a very easy way for anybody who knows me online to find it.

So it's only a week until the 1 year anniversary of my move to England. That's pretty fucked up. This is also something I'm not going to talk about any more.

Actually, I guess I don't really have anything else to talk about atm! So bye bye.