Woman-made kitchen sandwiches are only to be provided upon financial security and love being rendered as payment.

It's part of the woman contract.

Are you a girl? Because that's womanly thinking, and I like it.

No one gonna sign a contract without proof of abilities

You sound like Jason now....

He tells me to clean his room in order to prove that I will be a good house wife.

Two things:

Logan's avatar is giving me seizures and,

Stop calling me a homo:
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/z4uj5NZS7g8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
We have to put up with your naggin and bitchin until one of us dies.

Fair trade

Well if you would just put the fucking toilet seat back down when you were done, I wouldn't have to nag you!

Is it that goddamned hard?
God damn I hate women bitching over women's rights, especially when its like in this case where no one is doing anything against their rights.

If you wear a slut's uniform expect to get treated like one. And then dont be surprised when your ensemble gets you raped because you walked past a loon who was already on edge. Its not the womans fault she was raped, but she sure as hell didnt help.

The officer makes a good point, and having slut walks because of it is retarded.

Do you leave your car/house doors unlocked when you're out? Do you wear the most expensive jewelry you have in seedy places? No, because people will jack that shit. Same common sense should apply to when you wear a shirt where your tits are hanging out, and your ass is peaking out from under your skirt.