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  1. Natalie

    Get better sooon!!!!!

    =O ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILLLLLL ITTTTT *stabs*
  2. Natalie

    Get better sooon!!!!!

    Patricks dying sick =O so we should make him a thread -done. and wish him better lol. or tell him how much of a pansy he is for getting sick. haha.
  3. Natalie


    GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY faggggg lol kidding. i havent eaten meat in 5 days i think im gonna like either 1. get sick and extremely tired due to no meat protein. 2. Kill someone and eat them... lol
  4. Natalie

    How many 5 years old can you take?

    guitar hero then? ill still own ya or even Air geetar.
  5. Natalie


  6. Natalie

    How many 5 years old can you take?

    Haha lets go for it.. hmmp i am Guitar master.
  7. Natalie


    eat steak?
  8. Natalie


    i had fish sticks wednesday :O
  9. Natalie


    Haha i show'd this kid in my class he was like I don't believe you i was like It's worldwide... yep offical..
  10. Natalie

    The Good Eatin' Thread

    thought that said tool was like TOOOOLL! =D ... yeah weather here is so bi polar... 80 one day then 30 the next.
  11. Natalie

    How many 5 years old can you take?

    You should try taping your eye open... and sleep.
  12. Natalie


    Yeah i do.. But facebooks annoying as fuck... all those damn WALLS!!
  13. Natalie


    yeah i said School and such.. taking the ACT this saturday gonna be a LONG day =[
  14. Natalie


    means i cant get one either.. HAHA cheer up!.
  15. Natalie

    The Good Eatin' Thread

    lol ohhh nooes i think i getting sick =[ BOoo fuck texas
  16. Natalie

    How many 5 years old can you take?

    thats creepy too lol.. can that be done?
  17. Natalie

    movie: cloverfield

    it probably has =x
  18. Natalie


    haha god theirs like everything these days... well sucks if your single i guess.
  19. Natalie

    The Good Eatin' Thread

    aw thats good. Glad you wernt a Dick like most guys.. but i dont know about now.. but ^ sounded nice. lol
  20. Natalie

    How many 5 years old can you take?

    haha creepy shit man... it froghtened me.