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  1. rman

    PSN Users!

    See what happens when you take away linux from cyber nerds?
  2. rman

    Same-Sex Marriage

  3. rman

    Hardest Achievement you ever earned?

    That just sounds......pedolicious.....
  4. rman

    Games You've Beaten So Far in 2011

    So far this year: Fable 3 Costume Quest: Grubbins on Ice Borderlands (playthrough 1 and Island of Dr Ned) Working on Darksiders now.
  5. rman


    Not sure if anyone has caught onto The Whitest Kids You Know: She's TOTALLY asking for it: Turn around and say it again:
  6. rman


    Quote from Travis after the Inception thread spoiler madness......not sure if he did or has the ability to disable them.
  7. rman

    Movie: Inception

    Thanks, that explains a lot. ~phew~
  8. rman

  9. rman

    SNES Nostalgia

  10. rman

    SNES Nostalgia

    I actually have the original Earthbound box. Guide/scratch n' sniff stickers/and all.
  11. rman

    Movie: Inception

  12. rman

    Uh...So has anyone ever even heard of this game?

    Everything you need to know.... Would you like a video too??
  13. rman

    Uh...So has anyone ever even heard of this game?

    Never played flashback, but OotW was awesome. kept you coming back for more! I was excited when I found a ROM so I could replay it a couple years ago. I actually read an interview with the developer of that game. The bath scene was actually edited because...
  14. rman

    Uh...So has anyone ever even heard of this game?

    Nothing can beat the side scrolling awesomeness/madness of........... ......get readyyyy..... AMAZING CUTSCENEZZZZZ FEROCIOUS MONSTARZZZZZ!! EXCITING GAMEPLAY!! You getz HURTEDED!!! and.....TESTICLE HEAD PEOPLE??!!?!
  15. rman

    Hardest Achievement you ever earned?

    /thread win......
  16. rman

    SNES Nostalgia

  17. rman

    World of Warcraft

    Thus why I was always scared of WoW. Pay for something I could get bored of quickly? Nah.....Though I do have to say Flyff was mildly entertaining.
  18. rman

    Hardest Achievement you ever earned?

    Good point, same here.....though my wife may start pushing soon for the:
  19. rman

    World of Warcraft

    Never got into WoW.....though on a whim whilst bored I downloaded a "free to play" MMO and sunk wayyyyy too much time into it. Problem with MMO's are is that they get addicting if you get involved with people on there. I have played 2 different free to play ones since I was "recommended" a...