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  1. TalesOfPants

    Gears 3

    That's not hard to do actually, considering the past games were about as smooth as Jay trying to chat up the ladies.
  2. TalesOfPants

    How To Request Additional Wii Games?

  3. TalesOfPants

    Ni no Kuni coming to NA!

    I don't know why everyone was freaking out that it might not be localized. I mean, fuck, it hasn't even been released in JAPAN yet.
  4. TalesOfPants

    the resident evil series

    You can do the quick-turn 180, which is nice, but I wish they had a quick quarter-turn in those games. It takes forever and a day to turn 90 degrees in any direction.
  5. TalesOfPants

    who else is disapointed by the silent hill HD collection?

    Doesn't that mean he'd also be disappointed with Silent Hill 4 (which he's also upset is not included) because it was on the XBOX?
  6. TalesOfPants

    10 reasons why i dislike the ps3

    THIS is how it is supposed to be phrased. Thank you. The PS3 has a ton of exclusives (especially when compared to the 360 recently). Whether or not you care about those kinds of games doesn't mean they don't exist.
  7. TalesOfPants

    10 reasons why i dislike the ps3

    That joke was relevant back in 2008.
  8. TalesOfPants

    the resident evil series

    The big problem with Resident Evil 4 and 5, is that they shouldn't have been Resident Evil games. Sure, some same characters, but it's way too different. RE4 as an action/adventure game is great. RE4 as a Resident Evil game is just weird.
  9. TalesOfPants

    Podcast Mailbag!

    I want you to use Jay to visualize and attack. Tackling Fuel!
  10. TalesOfPants

    10 reasons why i dislike the ps3

    Jay's Hair: :sadfrog: Jay having an opinion on something gaming related: :nofun: I'm just playin' Jay, y'know I love you.
  11. TalesOfPants

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

  12. TalesOfPants

    the resident evil series

    Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica are hands down my favs. That's why I'm thrilled with the upcoming HD releases. For some reason I love Resident Evil 5. It's probably because I always played it with a co-op partner, and love co-op styled gameplay. It works well for that. As for the...
  13. TalesOfPants

    10 reasons why i dislike the ps3

    Copy Protection's a pretty common thing for all consoles. If you expect to just be able to copy games (regardless of whether you own them) and play them on your console, you're being silly. Also, Blu-Ray disks are very scratch resistant. YLOD mainly pertains to harddrives, and even when it...
  14. TalesOfPants

    10 reasons why i dislike the ps3

    10.) Once. 9.) Not really. 8.) lolwat 7.) Pretty much only the launch PS3's played PS2 games... 6.) Yeah, that sucks. 5.) It has a browser at least, unlike the XBOX. Yeah it sucks, but it's a game console. 4.) YLOD is a harddrive issue, not an overheating issue. 3.) You obviously don't...
  15. TalesOfPants

    Persona 4 Vita Remake & 360/PS3 Fighting Game in the Works

    I think the Persona 3DS game is the Persona 1 remake from the PSP with some 3D tacked on.
  16. TalesOfPants

    Persona 4 Vita Remake & 360/PS3 Fighting Game in the Works

    Fucking wow. I knew they'd do a P4P for Vita, but the additions are nice. Did not see that Persona fighting game coming, but am absolutely thrilled. Made by the BlazBlue team? That means it's going to be an amazing fighting game.
  17. TalesOfPants

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    Yakuza 4 - 5 out of 5 More content and shit to do than pretty much any game this year. Everything that's there is done right. Still front runner for my GOTY and this shit came out in March. Seriously, if you told me that my GOTY was going to be a PS3 exclusive that wasn't Disgaea 4, I'd...
  18. TalesOfPants

    Favorite Zelda Game

    rofl. Anyway, I'm not a huge Zelda fan, but I likes 'em. 1.) Links Awakening 2.) Wind Waker 3.) Ocarina of Time 4.) Twilight Princess 3D Dot Game Heroes would probably tie with Wind Waker...
  19. TalesOfPants

    Are developers in the right for charging for online play on used copies of games?

    I don't have a problem with it, since I don't buy games used. If I were to buy games used, I probably wouldn't mind, since used games are usually about 5 bucks cheaper than the brand new game, so it'd just get me to buy a new game instead.