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  1. TD

    Final Fantasy XIII Treasure Hunter

    Sen sen sen for big defense for whirlwind attack syn syn syn when it is untouchable sab sab sab when he comes out to poison him rav rav rav then to stagger him / kill him until he goes to untouchable rinse and repeat shitting in bed is easy? hmmm
  2. TD

    Final Fantasy XIII Treasure Hunter

    EAsy way.... Easy way..... and 5 star the mission not 3 star. Ugh but i has the gold watch now so I has faith.
  3. TD

    Maruchan Ramen Noodles

    and to think I bumped it too.
  4. TD


    kind of looks like a boy with long blonde hair. Hey just like my image Hope.
  5. TD

    The "Let's Judge Chris for Not Playing Ocarina of Time" Thread

    I didn't think you could transfer points from one live account to another.
  6. TD

    6/10/11: Podcast #2: E3 Edition!

    Holy shit thats YOu! Two of you! Cool
  7. TD

    6/10/11: Podcast #2: E3 Edition!

    do you actually talk in the podcast or is it a retransmission of someone else?
  8. TD

    The "Let's Judge Chris for Not Playing Ocarina of Time" Thread

    Logan, Who are we to judge
  9. TD

    Games You've Beaten So Far in 2011

    Last Remnant Magna Carta 2 Lost Odyssey Mass Effect 1
  10. TD


    Sexy. Sometimes I wish we had dragons on Earth. Is that wrong?
  11. TD

    Happy Birthday Logan!

    Happy Birthday Logan!
  12. TD

    So Whats On Your Mind At the Moment?

  13. TD

    Maruchan Ramen Noodles

  14. TD

    Ello Ello

    after i thought about it i figured it i said something about zelda that everyone knew execpt me then Logan and Travis would be on my ass about it.
  15. TD

    Maruchan Ramen Noodles

    OMG, every year an epic movie comes out in July. usually around the 4th and I work mad hours every 4th of July so we wait until our anniversary on the 14th. Transformers Dark of the Moon, The Dark Knight, Transformers 1, and next year will be Dark Knight Rises for sure. Cant Wait! Rip Joker...
  16. TD

    Final Fantasy XIII Treasure Hunter

    Awesome Intro my friend. WEll 2nd post intro.
  17. TD

    The Gamecard Level Up Thread

    I'll play nice but this and the FF13 thread are mine and i will use them. i was level 92. Now 99. Woot Woot! Edit. 100 I WINS 100 INTERNETS!
  18. TD

    The Gamecard Level Up Thread

    This will be a great place to post your Levels Ups. I know some may say levels ups mean nothing but I think the admins at gamerhandles think otherwise, or why else build them to work though posts and referrals.
  19. TD

    Final Fantasy XIII Treasure Hunter

    This will be a thread detailing the painful hair pulling of the dreaded FF13 treasure achievements. 85 more Weapons/Accessories to go.
  20. TD

    Top Dogs is here.

    What are the qualifications to becoming the best? Is sleeping the way up to the top an option?