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  1. aaron


    i don't believe in using guides to get items. i think its a little more adventurous to go by what you've got. that way theres more thrill in finding stuff randomly. using guides to do quests is different.
  2. aaron


    dark caves + torches or lanterns laying around town = not so dark caves. there are also light spells/potions. when stealing, i only take stuff thats valuable or useful, including lights. if you want mindless killing just look for caves or bad guy hideouts.
  3. aaron

    Game: Final Fantasy XI 360 (Impressions)

    knowing me, i'd probably end up getting this.
  4. aaron


    there is consequences for killing people, it just depends on who you kill. its usually not a good idea to kill someone because chances are they're connected to some quest in the future. reduce your slaughter to people who attack you first. there is a final boss, it just takes doing the quest...
  5. aaron


    you get the main quest at the very beginning pretty much. you talk to the guard right before you get to go out freely into that first town and he gives you a package to take to some guy named caius. there are a half dozen quests just in that first town, probably even more in which you have to...
  6. aaron

    Game: Final Fantasy XI 360 (Impressions)

    the review i read said it was the exact same thing. i imagine you'd spend your time better by doing odd quests seeing as they'd give the same amount of money. not to mention conquest item sales. how long has the beta been out? theres already 55's?
  7. aaron

    Mom: Yours

    or you could just ban me for being mormon, because that just makes it so much more sense. anyways, how about we stick to the topic of travis' mother.
  8. aaron

    Mom: Yours

    double post bitch. heres an idea. put a poll up on each review with choices 1-10, so people can give their own vote + comments.
  9. aaron

    Mom: Yours

    or you can just ban everyone that was involved in making the shitty threads. including travis.
  10. aaron

    Review Forum

    omg nub. its elder scrolls. sequal to the series incorrectly called morrowind. big huge open ended single player rpg. oblivion is the one thats supposedly coming out in march. i could almost see a whole section in the forum for it if everyone were to get it.
  11. aaron

    Is egon really a man?

    that was unexpected.
  12. aaron


    i took chuck norris karate..
  13. aaron

    Pictures of You
  14. aaron

    The Counting Game

    11 pipers piping.
  15. aaron

    2006 Desktops

    so uh, where do you get stuff to do that?
  16. aaron

    Awesome Keyboard

    no joke. thats sweet.
  17. aaron


    well, i just noticed it.
  18. aaron


    front page no longer reads (#) new thread(s) when something is posted on an old one?
  19. aaron

    New Years Resolutions

    new years resolutions are for people who care. i resolve to work less and accomplish more, either that or steal travis' resolution.
  20. aaron

    Rise Of Nations

    just aim me if you want me to host something. i'd like to play soon as well. i still haven't quite figured out who i like using. all i know is that i refuse to conform to the americans craze, though they probably are the best.