with that thing you plug in the back of the controller to put your gameboy game in? that was awesome. pokemon stadium was the first thing that made me feel like i was using real pokemon like the cartoon. pokemon puzzle league was cool too. gay...but cool
i want them to make a shadows of the empire movie. but n64 had awesome fucking games. mario party/tennis/golf. wcw world tour/revenge. pilotwings. blast corp. pokemon snap. hydro thunder. i could go all day
I own the simpson's arcade game. its sitting in my basement. ive also played bart's nightmare...some gameboy game i forget.
the big one i loved was like a simpsons crazy taxi game for xbox that had multiplayer. i loved playing that shit with my friends.
I like the idea of the movie better than the movie itself. I was kind of disappointed with how it played out. One of those things that work better on paper. But I liked the concept so i made a video
This is my final list.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom
ME2: The Arrival
Gears3: Raam's Shadow
RDR: Undead Nightmare
Arkham City(New Game plus)
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper
Dark Cloud
Fruit Ninja Kinect
Dance Central 2
GTA: Vice City...
yeah. i liked the shadow broker and arrival dlc's...but something about the leviathan turned me off from the trailers. the premise seemed interesting, but to do that as a dlc after the "big finale" is kind of too little too late and an after thought so i passed. then i just passed on omega...