Sure, I posted that in my journal. But you must understand, that's nothing compared to 6 months of constant barrages of "THE FALCONS ARE THE GREATEST TEAM EVER AND IF YOU DON'T AGREE YOU'RE WRONG!" from Logan and Chad. Not to mention that if someone likes another team (say, Rhyner, Drew, or...
Bucs > Vick
Besides, I wasn't even talking about Tampa Bay. I like how you bring shit up when no one is on the subject to try to boost your ego. But that's how you work.
Believe me, everyone here has a sense of humor. What isn't funny is you making posts about how you are so much greater than everyone else. As Travis said, trying to prove how high and mighty you are just makes you look more like a jackass every time you say something.
Well, the Zelda theme was okay, but it was better than no theme, as we have now. We definitely need something to attract attention and get this place going again.
And Mitch can stay the hell away.