I once saw a picture with this article, the kid was black...
How about "Forum Awards" awards for random crap like
"most ammount of posts in a single day"
"best member referral"
"best damn post"
"Best Forum Awards Idea"
or things like that. I am pretty certain you guys get the picture of what i mean.
Hold it annually or semi-annually
events like...
I guess you could consider me new, even though I have known you all for some time now.
This is Mitch, just found out this was the new site so I may post here from time to time.
i'll jump to coloring another time, I typically color my covers though, the inside panels are black and white, however, I like the way you color, do you want to color the images for me?
Not too many of you know this, but I happen to be an artist!
That leaves me a few questions though, namely,
What does that mean for your real life?
What the hell does that have to do with the title of your topic?
Why do I care?
AND they all are VERY good questions!
I have been inactive...