that would make sense if that was what happened. the screen showed that he took damage from an attack, then countered the attack to heal the opponent. the counter attack is just a little glitchy, thats all.
honestly, i liked the old system. more choices.
probably something similar to the gc i'd guess. i'll take a guess that most games will depend on the new one though. if it really turns out to be as sweet as they want it to be then i'll probably buy a revolution. once again, the life of a console depends on the quality of the games made for...
i'm tellin you.. its all about the nukes.
i think we can agree that a change is definitely needed. and by a change, i mean a new source of fuel. gasoline will soon be out of the picture due to cost efficient reasoning.
with any luck we'll just nuke humanity come WW3 and we wont have to worry about fuel or pollution or the environment anymore. thats your reasonable solution. seriously though. back to the future has the answer. garbage -> fuel.
i'm pretty sure theres more to each pet than just the starting stats. i remember the attack option flashed some pretty unusual stuff that i'd guess only a spider'd have.
I don't even plan on buying one right away. I'm probably going to wait until at least halo 3 is released before any money gets put down. A few months probably wont make much of a difference but whatever. None of the release games really truely intrest me anyways.
i know this is a rather over discussed topic, but maybe we should reconsider increasing our active member numbers.. i think we could easily take advantage of the new generation to expand our numbers.