I've thought about it. All the reviews I've seen have been bad. Mostly about the bad graphics and the fustrating typing problem. I used to use RM2K for the computer. It was pretty cool. I'm thinking of downloading it again. I lost it somewhere when I rebooted. They Might Be Giants is...
I only saw the opening sequence so far. I wanted to get it for Christmas, but my parents decided to be gay and buy me KOTOR instead (still a cool game. From what I saw, it looked like Charlie's Angels. It looked like Rikku and that other chick were fighting some Yuna lookalike or something...
Gandalf doesn't cast nearly as many spells as I would have liked him to in the movies. Legolas was definately my favorite though. I loved how gracefully he manages to take down that super huge elephant in ROTK, or when he slides down the stairs and shoots a bunch of orcs with his bow.