well I used a pencil some paper then i inked over it with a pen.
then i transferred the image onto my computer and used photo shop to color it
that's about it
I had a dream we gamesd against eachother JR
it was weird (mostly because I don't know exactly how you look)
you were using an impulse and you started to shoot at me, before I even had my gun
so i ran to get my gun before i got it I was hit like a mad ammount of times
so I shot back
TippMann98 Custom
16 inch barrel
20 oz CO2 tank
I want to get a response trigger kit for my gun
and a sight rail, just in case, you never know
I also think i might get a nitrogen adapter
Mercs is a Flash cartoon series I started to work on but just completely dropped, i don't know why, well here is a link to the toon http://www.angelfire.com/comics/ellisandfleshman/test.html
the voicing sounds off, mostly because I didn't fix it up the way it was supposed to be done, heck i...