That's not even apples and oranges. That's like apples and monster trucks. Why would you compare AC to Halo or Zelda? That'd be like saying, "In this game, Master Chief will now run through the same ship twice, stab a member of the covenant, and move on!" Halo and Zelda play like they always...
Oh, SHIT. I forgot about Walt throwing the pizza on the roof.
I remember it sits there for like three episodes and it was bothering me.
But then he ended up shooting like five guys and I forgot all about it.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=""...
Okay. I'll play along.
The story line in the Crusades period is good. It's actually interesting. But what fails is the connection to how it connects to the modern day with this Animus shit. It's not interesting at all. If you enjoy it, good for you. But the entire storyline is one massive...
I'm also quite the fan of the events here. You know, the same ones that have been occurring on this site since Travis made it.
1) Argument
2) Counter-argument
3) Counter the counter-argument
4) Realize the argument is going nowhere because it's pointless to try and sway the other...
That's great and all, but it doesn't make Travis' point any less true. COD could do the same thing, and their multiplayer would still be the same. Millions of people would masturbate to it, but it's still the same recycled material.
And that's my point. All your points are fair, but none of...
What a coincidence. COD fanboys say the same thing; yet, none of them do as near of good of a job as I'm sure you'll do explaining why I'm wrong.
So, please, do explain what makes my statement incorrect.
Ubisoft just doesn't give a shit anymore.
Plot is completely FUBAR, and no new game in the series offers anything special or relevant, yet people, for whatever reason, enjoy buying the games to do the same redundant shit over and over.
AC: The COD of adventure games.
I realize it's just the demo, but I'm pretty confident when I say that this is the most fun I've had playing a multiplayer game since the Halo days.
Just pure, simple fun.