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  1. P


    they're doing it above Bronson as he sleeps his 23 daily hours
  2. P


    behind the curtains!
  3. P


    real FREAKY sneaky
  4. P

    Metal Gear?!

    i try
  5. P

    The Comic

    Always food with you!
  6. P

    The Comic

    you always leave for food!
  7. P

    Metal Gear?!

    i need munniez first
  8. P

    The Comic

    nah i'm all washed up
  9. P

    Metal Gear?!

    I'm thinking about it!
  10. P

    The Comic

    maybe we could get him back again! I don't really remember how he was as a person, just his name
  11. P


    that was sneaky
  12. P

    I'm Back.

    yeah, but you just gotta jump in!
  13. P

    I'm Back.

    He's not posting enough!
  14. P


    Anyone know when Brawl comes out? I don't have a Wii though!
  15. P

    Metal Gear?!

    My friend played MG and I watched but I've never actually played it before
  16. P

    Your Car

    posting sounds like a good idea!
  17. P

    Oh SHIT

    i don't watch it
  18. P

    The Comic

    yeah he made like one post on xeforce or unscforce saying "i'm back!" but that was it lol
  19. P

    Travis, How do I shot web?

    i refuse to believe that ='[
  20. P

    Travis, How do I shot web?

    well me neither but i heard it was bad! now i heard it was good, so i'm assuming it's good.