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  1. P

    TLoZ: Twilight Princess

    too easy also on account of me not dieing a single time. ganondorf was wayyy too easy.
  2. P

    TLoZ: Twilight Princess

    is this the girry sissy rink flom wind waker or the coor rink from Oot.
  3. P

    TLoZ: Twilight Princess

    i want to play :(
  4. P

    Oh Sweet Jesus

  5. P

    Oh Sweet Jesus

    Yeah, I was thinking it might have to do with periods too. Let's check. The green apples taste bad. Orange. Black. Amardillos are running everwhere!
  6. P

    The New Consoles

    So, some of us have 360's. When the PS3 and Wii come out, we need reviews plz.
  7. P

    Oh Sweet Jesus

  8. P

    Oh Sweet Jesus

    except me it appears for i confuse the shit out of it each time i post
  9. P

    Oh Sweet Jesus

    we're in over our heads here.
  10. P

    time for a new thread

    i beat talkerbot!
  11. P

    time for a new thread

    you're the one being irrational here.
  12. P

    time for a new thread

  13. P

    time for a new thread

    > 700 posts now yay
  14. P

    time for a new thread

    Yeah I do, it's me i'm talking about. ass.
  15. P

    time for a new thread

    your avatar scares me.
  16. P

    time for a new thread

    It'll have some good games, but I'm looking at the PS3 too. It can hold 7 players.
  17. P

    time for a new thread

    STAIRWAY to heaven rite?
  18. P

    time for a new thread

    what the hell
  19. P

    time for a new thread

    I'm going to wait until the price goes down, better deal too because more games will be out by then. Did you hear about the PS3? About half of the PS2 and PS1 games won't play on it.
  20. P

    time for a new thread

    i'm imagining talkerbot getting a mind of its own and turning evil :( well I would be playing FFX but I can't find the game.