If it is one thing I learned, it's wait. My friend bought an N64 and a Gamecube for $25. So I'm going to wait for the price of the system to drop, and wait for some reviews and feedback about the system and games, and controller before I buy one.
Put on Giant's Mask Outside of Stone Temple.
(Be aware, although Link puts on his mask- you can't use him. You're controlling Epona while Link is stuck in the air, and you're stuck in Milk Road)
Put on bunny ears, and leave Clocktown. Put the Giant's Mask on a C-button. Ride Epona to Milk...
Deku, Goron, and Zora Link on Epona.
First, put on bunny ears and leave clocktown. Put the transformation mask of your choice on a c button. Ride to Milk Road, and Z-target the owl statue and back up as far as you can but still have the z-target on. Save and quit.
Enter your file again...
Content k.
Majora's Mask
Fierce Diety Anywhere
First, put on the bunny ears. Then leave Clock Town and play the song of double time, so it's night of the first day. Then put the Fierce Diety Mask on a 'c' button. Now call Epona, and ride to Milk Road. Go to the Owl Statue, and Z-Target...