Epic games showcases next generation of Unreal Engine (PS4, Xbox 720, etc)
Still screens from UE4 demo video shown at GDC that will be available to the public next week.
God, I've been waiting 14 fucking years to play a game like this again. Hopefully this and Bulletstorm will help bring on a resurgence of classic styled shooters like SFIV did with 2D fighting.
While I do love Battlefield, all the military shooters are sapping the creativity out of an excellent...
4 multiplayer modes:
Team Dukematch
Capture the Babe
Hail to the King(king of the hill)
Different Duke skin: red, blue....
4 on 4 gameplay WAT
Level advancement gained via XP..level cap is 42
Unlock physical customization rewards while leveling up in MP.
It's a direct sequel to BF2, easily the best game in the Battlefield series, and the team has stated that MP is the central focus of the title.
I hope they don't fudge this up. PC is the lead platform and allows up to 64 player battles, with the consoles maxing out at 24. Sounds pretty much...