Wanna hear the best joke ever. Here ya go:
What's the difference between you and a mallard? Well, one's a duck...I forgot how the joke ends, but your mother's a whore.
no because he locks himself in that damn oven he calls a room all night and day eating cheese puffs and jacking it to his 508549859445848 gigs of porn
but seriously, have you worn it around and stuff? everyone on here should get one, and we'll have a lan and we'll all wear it. and when he...
Speaking of Rock Band...How are they selling it? I pretty much just want the game and the drum set since I have no interest in singing and I already have a guitar/bass. Do you have to buy everything, or are they selling everything individually?
Yeah, I'm not sure why they did that. If you didn't pre-order it, it was pretty much impossible to get on release.
I actually managed to 5 star all the songs on medium. Stricken and Raining Blood kicked my ass. Medium to hard is a tough transition for me because I suck with the orange...
Yeah, the laser grid in the first movie was pretty awesome. That's about all it had going for it though. And I've never seen The Devil's Rejects, and I never will because it looks like shit. The RE remake for the gamecube is pretty good.
Joe you need to dive into RE. Especially RE 4. And RE...
Odis was in the second and third movie. He was awesome. They call him CJ, AJ, some stupid name, but it's Odis. Man, he was cool. And Alice does ruin a lot of zombie shit. And the ending of the third is pretty awesome. I'd say the last two are pretty good. First one is complete shit.