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  1. Jay

  2. Jay

  3. Jay

  4. Jay

  5. Jay

    The Neverending Story

    When intestines get dirty with SHIT, the stank will definitely attract a gigantic monster named Leeroy Reacharound. Upon arrival, he obtains vaginal parasites that caused Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis that destroy the entire ecosystem. He dances
  6. Jay

    Dynamic Signature Generator

  7. Jay


  8. Jay


  9. Jay

    The Neverending Story

    When intestines get dirty with SHIT, the stank will definitely attract a gigantic monster named Leeroy Reacharound. Upon arrival, he obtains vaginal parasites that caused Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  10. Jay

    The Neverending Story

    When intestines get dirty with SHIT, the stank will definitely attract a gigantic monster named Leeroy Reacharound. Upon arrival, he obtains vaginal
  11. Jay

    Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior

    Good call. Absolute shit of a movie.
  12. Jay

    The Neverending Story

    When intestines get dirty with SHIT, the stank will definitely attract a gigantic monster named Leeroy Reacharound. Upon arrival, he
  13. Jay

    The Neverending Story

    When intestines get dirty with SHIT, the stank will definitely attract a gigantic monster named Leeroy Reacharound
  14. Jay

    Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior

    This movie sucks ass. DO NOT WATCH. End of story.
  15. Jay

    Gamestop on Verdae Market in Greenville is GAY AS HELL

    Have you seen this? It looks pretty legit.
  16. Jay

    Gamestop on Verdae Market in Greenville is GAY AS HELL

    They aren't done confirming characters, they'll probably show him. His alt skin should be CHUCK GREENE FTW
  17. Jay

    Is CrooklynMayo in the house?!?!?!

    I'll reserve my judgment till I play DmC but the character design leaves a lot to be desired.
  18. Jay

    Gamestop on Verdae Market in Greenville is GAY AS HELL

    Great...Once again I'm the party at a disadvantage. Oh father, why hast though forsaken me? OH AND Capcom said the roster is pretty much final...Only consumer demand will influence DLC characters.
  19. Jay

    Gamestop on Verdae Market in Greenville is GAY AS HELL

    You are such a magnificent bastard.