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  1. Andrew

    Fuck You Game Industry

    I'm more bewildered that Scrubby here thinks that Ass Creed is a great series. He truly believes 2012 is a great year for gaming. That's just sad Scrubby.
  2. Andrew

    Fuck You Game Industry

    I hope Ubisoft is paying you to go down on them scrub. You're pretty ignorantly minded on video games there scruby. Ass Creed was played out by brotherhood. So am I suppose to be impressed that you stood around like a chump at Gearbox's booth for a free code? You wouldn't know a good game if it...
  3. Andrew

    Fuck You Game Industry

    Alright Scrub, lets do this. Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2, and Borderlands 2 are going to be complete garbage. Assassin's Creed 3000 is just another Creed sequel with a boat level. Darksiders was garbage and its sequel is going to be no different. Borderlands 2 is another failed attempt by...
  4. Andrew

    Fuck You Game Industry

    First off all scrappy, no there isn't one single good next gen game coming out this year. Second, I've played ever "old" game under the sun. All I can do now is be shackled to the new games rolling off the line. Third, I Am Alive is $15, and from the look of it, garbage repetitiveness. Just...
  5. Andrew

    Fuck You Game Industry
  6. Andrew

    Fuck You Game Industry

    I think I've had about all I can take with the game industry these days. I've been craving a good enthralling game for weeks now. I was going to replay Bioshock or Fallout 3 (both of which I've played about a dozen times over) but I decided to look for something new to try. For...
  7. Andrew

    Breaking Bad Season 5 thread (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) Skip to 25 seconds
  8. Andrew

    Movie: The Dark Knight Rises

    Christopher Nolan when he's told The Dark Knight Rises box office sales:
  9. Andrew

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    My review of the first two episodes of Game of Thrones: Not a bad show, but seriously out of 2 hours, 45 minutes were people banging each other. Also I wished they'd of explained better the overall story of the show. You have to pick up the...
  10. Andrew

    Movie: The Dark Knight Rises

    I give The Dark Knight Rises a 4/10 The reason being:Sega CD - Angry Video Game Nerd - - YouTube
  11. Andrew

    Assassin Creed 3

    Terrible movie. Ubisoft better learn from that.
  12. Andrew

    Assassin Creed 3

    I hope to god AC3 doesn't do the conspiracy theory crap like in 2,2 and a half, 2 and a third, 2 and three fourths, ect. Not being Italian i didn't take it personal, but the idea that some frenchy euro game company would make the idea that George Washington had some super god bible weapon and...
  13. Andrew


    Is it bad that after playing Mass Effect 3 again, and the extended cut, I think Mass Effect 3 was a shitty game? The more I play it the more holes I see in it.
  14. Andrew

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    The mom wanted to go to Joe's Crab Shack today. Here's my review of it: The food was terrible, the noise was ungodly, and the people were the ass end of society.
  15. Andrew

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    Lollipop Chainsaw 8.5/10 Didn't know what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. The voice acting was great, the music was awesome, and the dialogue was hilarious. The fighting style was a bit flat, and the in game shop (to buy combos and upgrades) was kinda ass. I thought it...
  16. Andrew

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    Mega Man: Legends (PS1) 9/10 A very charming game to play in this lack luster year of gaming. The Bonne family and servbots are great, and I always cracked a smile when they showed up. Has a good mild rpg quality, not to engrossing or to bare. However, the story (during the endgame) got hard...
  17. Andrew

    E3 2012 Thread!

    I think Nintendo's Pre E3 was better than its E3
  18. Andrew

    E3 2012 Thread!

  19. Andrew

    Nintendo 2012 E3 Press Conference Live Thread!

    Did he just say Wii U was coming out this holiday. like it was nothing?