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  1. Andrew

    5/11/12: Podcast #10: One Year Anniversary/Frank Costanza Edition!

    Tell Mel I said she can suck my dick. :dwiahnuld:
  2. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

  3. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!
  4. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!
  5. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    Is it me or is this show getting retarded?
  6. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    Shigeru Miyamoto! What's he gonna do?! Probably eat some mushrooms!
  7. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    Joker here!
  8. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    No Colonel Sanders, you're wrong, momma's right!
  9. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    That really cleared up what that game was about.
  10. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    Arkham Asylum :georgeyankees:
  11. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!
  12. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    what was that voice over in the Mass Effect 3 trailer?
  13. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

  14. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    2 Bioware premieres, fancy!
  15. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    the hulkster
  16. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    oh, Will.I.AM! I.Don't.Care
  17. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    this guy sucks.
  18. Andrew

    The Spike 2011 VGA Awards!

    Im here.
  19. Andrew

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    Now that I've beat Deus Ex: Human Revolution, ima give it a IGN style scoring. 8/10 a true grab bag game. Had both things a truly good video game should have, and things that were completely ass. +: Take downs are fucking amazing and should be in every game ever +: The different approaches to...
  20. Andrew

    The Lazy Reviewer Thread

    So far Deus Ex: Human Revolution 8/10 -.5: Hacking is ass -.5:story so far is less than appealing -1: Voice acting (except Adam) is horrible +/-0: Controls are ass backwards (A=X, X=A) +/-0: Tack downs are fucking amazing (Warning...