friday suckkkeddddd.
me and cunt boyfriend split actually glad now.. i see he was a complete dick to me constantly.
then :O everything else kept pissing me off like getting every red light.. then not having enough vodka...
we tricked this kid i filled up the bottle a bit with water haha he...
i hate it
had 4 classes today
psych seems alright.
english is like a oldddddddddddddddddddddddd lady bout to die
bio is FOR MAJORS haha ah well.
then math was so boring
oh and my boyfriend said he doesnt know if hes sexually attracted to me any more. =[ best day of my life
First day of college was today..
saw 2 ppl from highschool eh gay...
teachers pretty tight though...
tomorrow got alll day classes =[ boo
Getting basic shit out of the way.
then im gonna try go for art stufff. Like technical theatrical stuff like sound board and lights and or Concert lighting and sound.. stuff like that.
or might just do management and buy a building and put up a Nightclub and run that.
idk something fun.