Pretty much.
the Cardboard cutouts of him are like creepy as shit..
Hi i'm jarred, and im a pedo... i like to shove sandwiches in lil boys n girls mouffs
im not depressed haha.
was jusst stateing that doesnt matter what i do. i want to get into this school.. it'd be tight... i think?..
haha yeah man titz out at skewl that how i make friends
lol thats true.. my mummy doesnt want me to go to school in Australia and i don't really i'd be dumb as fuck.
but yeah i thought about England.. but im not sure.. my mate there told me some school but it didnt tell anything...
no point i leaving soon!.
have 13 weeks till graduation...
then have a month of work then month of travel then who knows if i survive this....
future.. of being lonely and no friends in Chicago!..
did you have to do the essay?...
my brother's lucked out when they took it.. they just started the essay bullshit 4 years ago :@
but i hope i get good.. i have no idea the scoring or anything... just know that i have to do better than like 1100 haha or somthing.