Pretty good rumour, I'd love to see a sequel. How 'bout you guys?
Right now I'm paying around $110/month for cable internet at 40mbps down and 5mbps up, with home phone. Once I switch i'll be paying $115 a month for 50mbps down and 30mbps up, home phone, and approx 80 HD tv channels.
So Ubisoft has a bunch of games on sale, which ones are worth it?
Wii U
ZombiU – $22.49
Rayman Legends – $20
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – $20
Splinter Cell: Blacklist – $22.49
Assassin’s Creed III – $14.99...
I'd love to see something similar to the multiplayer that was in Wind Waker, using the GBA as a second controller to play as Tingle. In this case, the second player could use the Gamepad to play as an assistant character that could attack enemies, see the map and share hints, or whatever else.
So, games I've picked up so far during the steam summer sales:
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Soundtrack Edition
Hotline Miami
Orion Dino Horde
Planet Explorers
Game Dev Tycoon
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition
The Swapper
The Wolf Among Us