Search results

  1. Casey

    To All Those That Have Played FFVIII

    What happens if you don't manage to make it onto the Lunatic Pandora when you're in Esthar and Squall is up in space? Cause I didn't. In my defense, I was playing PSP on the elliptical at the gym.
  2. Casey

    I got three new (old) games today!

    Gamestop was running a buy 2 get 1 free sale for preowned games. So I picked up Assassins Creed 2, Little Big Planet, and the new Final Fantasty!
  3. Casey

    Gimme Pizza
  4. Casey

    I need your brains.

    Trying to fix step-fathers computer. Strange issues happening. It won't post. It will post, but won't let me unto the BIOS, and sticks me at a black screen with a blinking cursor. It will post and let me into the BIOS It will post and load windows, then freezes. Like frozen. It...
  5. Casey

    Sometimes, I shoot things.

  6. Casey

    Just started Heavy Rain

    Like just literally, the opening screen is playing right now. So far, I don't like how small the damn words on the screen are, and I have a pretty damn big TV!!!
  7. Casey

    Movie:Robin Hood

    Loved it. It was a little long, but it didn't feel like it was dragging. Half way through the movie I was thinking "This isn't Robin Hood", then I realized that it was actually a prequel . It was very interesting how they explained the different things like: 1. How did Robin Hood become...
  8. Casey


    That shit is rigged. I want my fake money that I didn't even earned, back. :mad:
  9. Casey


    Who can dig it?
  10. Casey

    What the fudge?

    How do I make this site stop spamming my damn e-mail! I TRIED! IT NO WORK!
  11. Casey

    But why?

    Why is the Sony forum so deserted? What about the Final Fantasy series?! HAVE WE LOST ALL INTEREST?!
  12. Casey

    Not Exactly New

    I've been on this forum for a while, but I've not posted for years now. I don't even remember how this forum got started, but I used to be on Travis's old forum, "Zelda Glitches". I've been looking for a new forum to post on, and I got an e-mail from this website about the signature...
  13. Casey

    Ello Ello

    hey guys its me Nanashi, decided to change my name b/c the board is different now.