Search results

  1. SuperAfroBoy

    Gettin a kitten for Christmas

    We're getting the kitty on the right, and will name him Cthulhu.
  2. SuperAfroBoy


    disney is buying lucasfilm they are prolly going to make episode five holy cow this is crazy but it could be awesome guys i don't know what to do because this could be the beginning of something awesome or the end of something awesome but i hope it's good because episode seven could be really...
  3. SuperAfroBoy

    NHL Thread

    So... how about that NHL lockout, eh? 11 days now and they've cancelled the preseason schedule through September 30th... yeah. I'm the only hockey fan, aren't I?
  4. SuperAfroBoy

    SAB talks to spammers.

    So I was bored the other day and looked through my spam mail and astonishingly found that a spam (bot possibly?) had posted the below message on my Elfwood account, which hasn't been touched in a like a million years. Figured I'd send them a message and see whats up. I'll keep posting their...
  5. SuperAfroBoy


    Where I work the Helpdesk (me and two other guys) write a weekly tech newsletter that is sent to the members of our IT dept with news about security issues and boring junk like that, but we also have a section called "The Weekly What", where we review some piece of software, a website, or...
  6. SuperAfroBoy

    thinkin of buyin these

    decided to spend a couple bucks on myself, thinking of getting these: Skate 3 - Xbox 360 Batman: Arkham Asylum - Xbox 360 Fallout 3 Game Of The Year - Xbox 360 Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Xbox 360 Dead Space - Xbox 360 Yoostar 2 In The Movies - Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Live Marketplace...
  7. SuperAfroBoy

    My Game Dev Story

    So, yeah, I LOVE this game. Maybe it's from all the of the game industry parodies (my best developer is Shigeto Minamoto), but I just can't stop playing! Anyway, my company (SABstudios) has been in the gaming industry for 19 years now and my best franchise a damned military shooter. GAH...
  8. SuperAfroBoy

    GH CYOA Skyrim Edition

    Hey, sab is bored so play along with this CYOA or fuck off. Also, please note that I'm a terrible writer and I'm just making this all up as I go along. First response will choose the next course of action. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You awaken with the morning sun beaming into...
  9. SuperAfroBoy

    Games You've Beaten So Far, 2012 Edition!

    As Jay requested, let's continue this great thread started by Bayli! TO 2012 AND BEYOND!
  10. SuperAfroBoy

    Halloween 2011

  11. SuperAfroBoy

    Christmas 2011

    It's getting close to Christmas (kind of), so what do you guys want to get , or plan to get for others? I have five paychecks left before Christmas, plus still have to keep up with bills so it's going to be tough to get all this stuff worked in! What I want: Fogless shower mirror! Old...
  12. SuperAfroBoy


    Well, my employer is taking part in septembeard to raise awareness for prostate cancer or something stupid like that. How does a bunch of dudes not shaving for a month help raise awareness for anything? Anyway, I'm taking part so I had to shave off all my facial hair at the first of the month...
  13. SuperAfroBoy

    i has restraint

    Man, I had to really hold back from calling this guy an idiot. Mike Llewellyn has joined the room. Tim ****** has joined the room. (5:59 PM) Tim ******: hi Mike (5:59 PM) Tim ******: Bradley.**** login in **** says he doesnt exsists (6:00 PM) Mike Llewellyn: Well, I see his account on the...
  14. SuperAfroBoy

    Hottest woman on TV

    right here
  15. SuperAfroBoy

    Wii games

    So, here is a list of the wii games I have on my HDD. As you can see I don`t really have any J games, anyone have any good suggestionsÉ Also, my `question mark` key is apparently now the É key. A Boy and His Blob Alice in Wonderland: The Movie Animal Crossing: City Folk...
  16. SuperAfroBoy

    Game of Thrones

    This show is EPIC. I've spent pretty much all of my free time over the last few days watching the first season (10 episodes with a run time of 55 minutes each). This is possibly my new favourite TV show, and it should be yours too. Shall we go through a checklist? Yes, yes we shall. Nudity...
  17. SuperAfroBoy

    Beards are fun.

  18. SuperAfroBoy

    ignore this

    just postin some stuff to use when i get home.
  19. SuperAfroBoy

    Zelda Xtreme New Member Dictionary

    Feeling lost or confused by some of the terms / language that we use on this forum? Feel lost no more! Here you will find definitions of all the slang we use on a regular basis. Jordan [verb] [Listen] To correct someone on something trivial. Reference Image: Example: Travis: Your...
  20. SuperAfroBoy

    Nintendo 64 Nostalgia
