A little bush comic I made.
Joe Groose Senior Member Nov 10, 2003 8,719 Jan 18, 2005 #2 Heh...but you're gonna get flamed for that here.
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Jan 18, 2005 Thread starter Moderator #3 oh well
Link182 The Assman Nov 10, 2003 450 Jan 18, 2005 #4 I honestly don't think a Canadian hippy has any right making fun of Bush.
Logan Administrator Nov 10, 2003 13,301 Jan 18, 2005 Admin #5 dang chris, ease up. "brian there's a message in my alphabits. it says oooooooooooo." "peter, those are cheerios"
dang chris, ease up. "brian there's a message in my alphabits. it says oooooooooooo." "peter, those are cheerios"
K King Tojo 1 THATHERTON! Nov 11, 2003 125 Jan 18, 2005 #8 Yeah, although I like W, that is kinda funny. Chris, lighten up. Americans (myself included) make fun of Canadians all the time. It's only fair that they get to have the same fun at our expense.
Yeah, although I like W, that is kinda funny. Chris, lighten up. Americans (myself included) make fun of Canadians all the time. It's only fair that they get to have the same fun at our expense.
Joe Groose Senior Member Nov 10, 2003 8,719 Jan 19, 2005 #12 Why shouldn't a Canadian be able to make fun of Bush? An actual answer would be nice, not just "because he's Canadian and gay lolz"
Why shouldn't a Canadian be able to make fun of Bush? An actual answer would be nice, not just "because he's Canadian and gay lolz"
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Jan 19, 2005 Admin #15 THERE IS A REFERENCE TO NELLY IN UR SIG!!!! /offended