A Rant on PETA (quote)


Senior Member

It's no secret that I love animals- more often than not -more than people. It's also no real secret that I hate the group called PETA. I won't even call them an organization since they're about as organized as a last minute orgy. They use shock tactics, slander and lies to make themselves seem important. You've probably seen one of their "protests" at some point: people getting paint thrown on them, girls in cages, those vans with video screens playing footage from slaughterhouses on an endless loop. All it does is make me laugh. Whenever one of their little minions runs up on me and tells me that I should be a vegetarian, I immediately buy a hamburger and follow them around while eating it. I hate those stupid little fucks! You wanna eat lettuce, that's your gig. But fuck off about my dinner cuz' I WILL beat your sanctimonious ass all day long!
At some point over the past 2 days, some dumbfuck from PETA named Dan Mathews spouted off about how, in eluding fashion, Steve Irwin deserved to die. The exact quote is this:

"It comes as no shock at all that Steve Irwin should die provoking a dangerous animal. He made a career out of antagonizing frightened wild animals, which is a very dangerous message to send to kids. If you compare him with a responsible conservationist like Jacques Cousteau, he looks like a cheap reality TV star."

As usual, they bend the story to fit their needs and get their names in the news for about 20 seconds. As a fan of Irwin and a militant enemy of PETA, I fired off an e-mail to them which will never be read since there was no donation attached which makes me worthless to them.

Here's my sensible, non-violent e-mail to these fucking idiots.

"The comments made by Dan Mathews regarding Steve Irwin were uncalled for and completely disrespectful on all fronts. Besides being misinformed and misleading (something PETA knows quite a bit about) when describing his 'provoking wild animals,' he takes the time to make sure to imply that Irwin's death was deserved and expected. And people wonder why nobody takes PETA seriously.

I honestly hope you get ambushed by letters, phone calls, and in-person ego-bashing. I've never been a fan of PETA nor will I ever be because it's stupid comments like that and your organizations ability to effectively annoy instead of educate that make you a sad joke in many minds, including mine. Shock tactics and irritating pamphlet slingers won't open eyes to your cause. Well, unless you have an IQ of about 10 and watch Jerry Springer on a regular basis.

Maybe someday you'll realize how ineffective painted women in cages, paint throwing, and useless banter really are and do something besides come up with more shock value campaigns and attempt to discredit people who have obviously done more as far as animals go than you have and probably ever will.
Keep your ego's in check because you're nowhere near as important as you think you are."

No threats, no violent content, and no donation. Knowing that it would never be read by anybody except the program they run to send out form letters based on certain words in the message-in this case, "Steve Irwin" and a few others-I waited for a response, which came no more than half an hour later.
To have some fun, I'll insert what the form letter really says so you can read between the lines of the outright idiocy of these people. Have fun.

Thank you for contacting PETA.
(For $20, we'll happily change this to a "personal" greeting with your name instead of the boring shit you see here!)

Due to the large volume of mail that we receive (From people sending us money and/or whining about how they get beat up for getting in people's faces while screaming about how they're going to die because they eat meat), we are unable to respond to each e-mail personallyalthough we read all mail and appreciate hearing your feedbackso we hope you will forgive this form letter, and hope that this reply will cover the most pressing questions and concerns you may have. (In other words, send us a few dollars and we MIGHT say something back, but don't count on it because we've got pamplets to print off at Kinko's and brain-dead vegans to turn to the dark side.)

The death of Steve Irwin is truly sad, and we have sympathy for his family during this difficult time. But from PETAs perspective, Irwin was not always a great friend to animals, and he often did more harm than good. (It should actually read like this: "Steve Irwin died because he ate meat on a regular basis, didn't help promote us, and never donated a single penny. He also disagreed with our philosophy regarding animals which makes us the Scientologists of the animal world that no sane person would ever buy into. Ever. So he sucks.")

Please know that it was not our intention to be disrespectful (PETA disrespectful? When has THAT ever happened?) by speaking out at this time, and we apologize for any offense we may have caused you. (That should prove something right there. This is a FORM LETTER already apologizing for the stupid ass remarks. They completey expected people to e-mail them and complain about it, which was their intention in the first place.) However, one of PETAs primary aims is to raise awareness of how animals suffer when people use them for entertainment (http://www.PETA.org/actioncenter/entertainment.asp). Because the media is glorifying and misrepresenting the way Irwin interacted with animals, its vital that we set the record straight right now, while this story is still in the news. (Because PETA is the be-all, end-all of knowledge when it comes to lies, slander, and bullshit. These motherfuckers make Richard Nixon look honest as fuck! If you want to know everything BUT the truth, feel free to hit them up and get schooled!)

Irwins television program typically involved invading animals natural environments to agitate, harass, harangue, upset, and disturb wildlife. He also subjected animals to the stress of public appearances and television shows, where they could not understand what was going on. (I guess PETA took some animal psychology classes at their local community college and can now read wildlife body language. But, then again, they say the same thing about putting children on TV too.) It's important to keep in mind that when wild animals appear on television shows or are used in photo ops, they are typically being forced into frightening, loud, and stressful situations for no reason other than to bring publicity to an animal trainer or handler. (Unless we do it, and then it's to educate the public on topics that even we don't really understand without a book full of pictures and large typed letters.)

Although Irwins verbal message of animal conservation was often on target, his actions spoke louder than his words. (And we're not talking about when he'd drive through a raging brush fire to help get some of the animals out, or get a dangerous snake out of somebody's backyard, or even when he'd stop to help an injured animal on the side of the road which he'd take back to his zoo to be checked out before being released back into the wild. We're talking about all those times he picked up a snake or a lizard and, you know, threw them like, violently, hundreds of feet...into a pool of rubbing alcohol...just to be a dick. We've seen it!) He undoubtedly encouraged others to keep wild animals as pets and to mishandle and harass animals in the wild. (He undoubtedly encouraged others. What the fuck? Did I miss the part of his show where he said, "This crocodile would make a beauty of a pet for your little tyke"? This is a perfect example of PETA's twisting of reality to fit their own agenda. It's pathetic and completely ignorant; right up their alley.)

For more thoughts on this subject, please see http://www.HelpingAnimals.com/f-wildlifewarriors.asp and http://www.guardian.co.uk/australia/story/0,,1865124,00.html. For tips on how you can help wildlife, please visit http://www.HelpingAnimals.com/wildlife.asp.
(These websites have given us money so we're going to plug them. They also more than likely have a banner ad for us on their sites. Cha-ching!)

Thanks again for writing and for sharing your thoughts with us.
(Maybe next time you can throw a few dollars in the envelope! I've almost got enough money laundered to get that spiffy new BMW I've had my eye on! Oh, and to serve the betterment of animals too. Yeah, all that stuff.)


The PETA Staff


And thats it. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I fucking hate these ignorant fucks. I swear I'm going to start an anti-PETA group someday and just blow them off the fucking planet. Leave your comments or send them an e-mail.

Much Luv,


Before going into my second diatribe, I just wanted to state how surprised-but strangely happy-I was to read all the comments, e-mails and various levels of support from those that either hate PETA as much as I do or simply don't agree with their ideology. Much Luv and thanks!

I decided that in this round of venting my anger towards the hypocrisy of PETA, I would let some facts do the talking instead. Here are a couple of things for you to read. And unlike PETA, I won't force you to read them.

PETA spends less than one percent of its multi-million dollar budget actually helping animals. The group euthanized (killed) more than 1,900 animals in 2003 alone -- that's over 85 percent of the animals it received. In fact, from July 1998 through the end of 2003, PETA killed over 10,000 dogs, cats, and other "companion animals" at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. That's more than five animals every day. On its 2002 federal income-tax return, PETA claimed a $9,370 expense for a giant walk-in freezer, the kind most people use as a meat locker or for ice-cream storage. But animal-rights activists don't eat meat or dairy foods. So far, the group hasn't confirmed the obvious -- that it's using the appliance to store the bodies of its victims.

PETA's leadership has compared animal farmers to serial killer (and cannibal) Jeffrey Dahmer. They proclaimed in a 2003 exhibit that chickens are as valuable as Jewish Holocaust victims. They announced with a 2001 billboard that a shark attack on a little boy was "revenge" against humans who had it coming anyway. They have branded parents who feed their kids meat and milk "child abusers." In 2002 PETA organized a campaign to sabotage a popular Thanksgiving hotline, which provides free advice about cooking turkeys. The group has even contemplated (literally) dancing on the grave of Kentucky Fried Chicken's Colonel Sanders. And in 2003, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk wrote to Yasser Arafat, pleading with him to make certain no animals are harmed in Palestinian suicide-bombing attacks.

A group misleadingly named the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has duped the press into believing that it is an association of conscientious doctors promoting good nutrition. In fact, it is a PETA front group. PCRM and PETA share money, offices, and staff. The American Medical Association calls PCRM a "pseudo-physicians group," has demanded that PCRM stop its "inappropriate and unethical tactics used to manipulate public opinion," and argues that PCRM has been "blatantly misleading Americans" and "concealing its true purpose as an animal 'rights' organization."

Taking a page out of PETA's press book, PCRM has labeled U.S. school lunches "weapons of mass destruction" because they include meat and milk. PCRM's president, a psychiatrist named Neal Barnard, recently duped Newsweek into covering his "study" (of seven people) supposedly demonstrating that a vegan diet helped prevent type-2 diabetes. In 2002, PCRM was cited in major newspapers more than 550 times. It was identified as an animal-rights organization in only a handful of those cases.

PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk has described her group's overall goal as "total animal liberation." This means no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no wool, no leather, no hunting, no fishing, and no pets (not even seeing-eye dogs). PETA is also against all medical research that requires the use of animals.

PETA activists regularly target children as young as six years old with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda, often waiting outside their schools to intercept them as they walk to and from class-without notifying parents. One piece of kid-targeted PETA literature tells small children: "Your Mommy Kills Animals!" PETA brags that its messages reach over 2 million children every year, including thousands reached by e-mail without the permission of their parents. One PETA vice president told the Fox News Channel's audience: "Our campaigns are always geared towards children, and they always will be."

PETA raked in nearly $29 million last year in income, much of it raised from pet owners who think their donations actually help animals. Instead, the group spends huge sums on programs equating people who eat chicken with Nazis, scaring young children away from drinking milk, recruiting children into the radical animal-rights lifestyle, and intimidating businessmen and their families in their own neighborhoods. PETA has also spent tens of thousands of dollars defending arsonists and other violent extremists.

PETA claims it engages in outrageous media-seeking stunts "for the animals." But which animals? Carping about the value of future two-piece dinners while administering lethal injections to puppies and kittens isn't ethical. It's hypocritical -- with a death toll that PETA would protest if it weren't their own doing.

There's plenty more where that came from. Check out PETAKillsAnimals.com to get more info.

This is only the beginning...

nudie animal/steve irwin pics? no thx.

yes PETA is bad but what are you gonna do.
i live like 15 minutes away from the PETA headquarters. :(

"Do you know what they do to those chickens?"
"No, but it's delicious."

funny, but i'm inclined to believe some of it is bs or exaggerated.
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I was behind someone in traffic today who had a bumper sticker that said "Vegetarians save lives everyday!" with a little PETA symbol below it. I was like, Man, I should rear-end you just for having that.
i live like 15 minutes away from the PETA headquarters. :(

"Do you know what they do to those chickens?"
"No, but it's delicious."

funny, but i'm inclined to believe some of it is bs or exaggerated.

Gaffigan rules.

PETA tried to get USC to change their mascot because they said the term 'gamecock' was offensive to chickens.

Man. What a bunch of pussies.
I just saw daves avatar, which led me to Bronsons avatar.

Which then allowed my mind to piece together the scenario of The Russian kneeing and elbowing the shit out of PETA.

His will be done...