Does anyone really need to read this?


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I've found the most useless and inane bullshit website ever

Who the fuck would need to read this? I would hope all of it would be common sense.

"Keep in mind that you are naked when bathing. This may affect your choice of bath location."

"5. Get into the bath"

Great step asshole.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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wikihow is the worst website ever. all these how to's are AWFUL


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Oh christ I have a stash of these somewhere hold on


Monkeys killing monkeys
Senior Member
Nov 20, 2007
lest wikiafterdark has some interesting facts/topics/how to


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Here's one I made earlier

Legendary Adventure
The day was very retarded , but muhammed knew that he had to begin his quest today. He knew that your mother would be waiting for him at the end, and that they would have a stupid duel to the death. But he also knew that if he didn't kill your mother then the entire world would go stinky .
muhammed grabbed his house and kitty and went out the door. His adventure began. So he made his way to the love den , but at the gates, a groovy , funky retard was there.

The retard looked at muhammed and snarled, If you want to enter the love den then you must answer my riddle! If a fingah and a liger were to be put in a blender with a xbox 360 what would come out?

muhammed replied with, Why, thats simple! A ps2 !

The retard had a retarded look on its face as it said, What? How did you know the answer was ps2 ! Well, I must keep my word, you may enter the love den .

So muhammed entered the town, he knew what he had to do. He needed to find the nearest adult heaven and ask for star wars kid . star wars kid was supposed to know where the broomstick of the love den was hidden. It wasn't long before muhammed found star wars kid .

muhammed looked at star wars kid and said, I must know, where is the broomstick of the love den ?

star wars kid said, Ha, you think I tell that to just anyone? You must prove you are worthy by answering a riddle! What has 47 balls , always screams fucksticks! , and shagadelic like crazy?

muhammed look very crazy as he said, That is even eaiser then the one at the gate! The anwer is a homo railgun !

star wars kid looked shocked! Well, a promise is a promise! The broomstick of the love den is located in the basement of my pants , he said.

So muhammed went to the basement of my pants and found the broomstick of the love den in a small chest. He remebered seeing a pedistal on the main floor of my pants that had in imprint of a broomstick on it! So muhammed put the broomstick of the love den on it and suddenly a reluctant light shone!

your mother suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very luminescent , dilligent , and funny meow mix with him, and he had a scared look on his balls . He said, You know I will kill you with my meow mix . And just as he said the he swung the meow mix at muhammed , but muhammed pulled out his own meow mix and blocked the blow. They continued their meow mix fight, until muhammed delivered one final hyperactive blow to the penis of your mother .

As your mother layed in a pool of his own semen he died. muhammed raised his meow mix in triumph! He announced that today was the most tasty and sexy day ever.

And so the legend goes.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
your mother suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very luminescent , dilligent , and funny meow mix with him, and he had a scared look on his balls . He said, You know I will kill you with my meow mix . And just as he said the he swung the meow mix at muhammed , but muhammed pulled out his own meow mix and blocked the blow. They continued their meow mix fight, until muhammed delivered one final hyperactive blow to the penis of your mother .

your mother suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very luminescent , dilligent , and funny meow mix with him, and he had a scared look on his balls . He said, You know I will kill you with my meow mix . And just as he said the he swung the meow mix at muhammed , but muhammed pulled out his own meow mix and blocked the blow. They continued their meow mix fight, until muhammed delivered one final hyperactive blow to the penis of your mother .

your mother suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very luminescent , dilligent , and funny meow mix with him, and he had a scared look on his balls . He said, You know I will kill you with my meow mix . And just as he said the he swung the meow mix at muhammed , but muhammed pulled out his own meow mix and blocked the blow. They continued their meow mix fight, until muhammed delivered one final hyperactive blow to the penis of your mother .


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
The Empire Strikes Back Opening Crawl

It is a jumbo sized time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been shat , Imperial cucumbers have driven the Rebel forces from their spiney vagina and pursued them across the galaxy.

Evading the hairy Imperial Starfleet, a group of moist fighters led by Luke Skywalker have established a new spiney vagina on the remote anus world of Hoth.

The sweaty lord Darth Vader, obsessed with bouncing young Skywalker, has dispatched thirty remote unborn fetuses into the far reaches of space…


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
A New Hope Opening Crawl

It is a period of huge war. Rebel boobs , striking from a soapy base, have won their first belly button against the velvet Galactic Empire.

During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal silky plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored apple pie with enough power to destroy an entire spare tire .

Pursued by the Empire's caramelized agents, Princess Leia farts home aboard her albino ape , custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore elephant dung to the galaxy....


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
The Empire Strikes Back Opening Crawl
It is a painful time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been castrated , Imperial balls have driven the Rebel forces from their retarded titty and pursued them across the galaxy.
Evading the bonerific Imperial Starfleet, a group of far out fighters led by Luke Skywalker have established a new retarded titty on the remote wankmotron world of Hoth.

The reaganomic lord Darth Vader, obsessed with fucking young Skywalker, has dispatched 2.9 remote terminators into the far reaches of space…


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
A New Hope Opening Crawl
It is a period of cuh-razy! war. Rebel metal gears , striking from a badass base, have won their first mullet against the pussified Galactic Empire.
During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal big motherfucker plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored juggernaut with enough power to destroy an entire pimp cane .

Pursued by the Empire's bitch agents, Princess Leia beats the shit outcha home aboard her cigar , custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore liger to the galaxy....


Weeaboo Queen
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
I see all kinds of Star Wars shit, so I'm just going to talk about this shirt I got from BustedTees.

