

Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I was searching "superafroboy" on google, as I sometimes do when I bored to death, and found an elib I made a long time ago, I think in grade 11. Anyway, I filled it out and here is what I came up with:

Legendary Adventure

The day was very slippery , but SuperAfroBoy knew that he had to begin his quest today. He knew that George Costanza would be waiting for him at the end, and that they would have a foamy duel to the death. But he also knew that if he didn't kill George Costanza then the entire world would go green .

SuperAfroBoy grabbed his cheese wheel and rock and went out the door. His adventure began. So he made his way to the bathroom , but at the gates, a green , blue mailman was there.

The mailman looked at SuperAfroBoy and snarled, If you want to enter the bathroom then you must answer my riddle! If a xbox and a giraffe were to be put in a blender with a calculator what would come out?

SuperAfroBoy replied with, Why, thats simple! A bottle !

The mailman had a happy look on its face as it said, What? How did you know the answer was bottle ! Well, I must keep my word, you may enter the bathroom .

So SuperAfroBoy entered the town, he knew what he had to do. He needed to find the nearest EB and ask for Shiggy . Shiggy was supposed to know where the hat of the bathroom was hidden. It wasn't long before SuperAfroBoy found Shiggy .

SuperAfroBoy looked at Shiggy and said, I must know, where is the hat of the bathroom ?

Shiggy said, Ha, you think I tell that to just anyone? You must prove you are worthy by answering a riddle! What has 34 toes , always screams HOLY COW , and jumps like crazy?

SuperAfroBoy look very spikey as he said, That is even eaiser then the one at the gate! The anwer is a metallic sword !

Shiggy looked shocked! Well, a promise is a promise! The hat of the bathroom is located in the basement of the basement , he said.

So SuperAfroBoy went to the basement of the basement and found the hat of the bathroom in a small chest. He remebered seeing a pedistal on the main floor of the basement that had in imprint of a hat on it! So SuperAfroBoy put the hat of the bathroom on it and suddenly a round light shone!

George Costanza suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very bouncey , heavy , and steamy rubiks cube with him, and he had a white look on his eyeball . He said, You know I will kill you with my rubiks cube . And just as he said the he swung the rubiks cube at SuperAfroBoy , but SuperAfroBoy pulled out his own rubiks cube and blocked the blow. They continued their rubiks cube fight, until SuperAfroBoy delivered one final rubbery blow to the stomache of George Costanza .

As George Costanza layed in a pool of his own urine he died. SuperAfroBoy raised his rubiks cube in triumph! He announced that today was the most smelly and yellow day ever.

And so the legend goes.

if you care, here's the link to do it yourself, or fill out a different one and post it here:http://www.elibs.com/e/load2?10457109174147


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I made one, but I fucked up and went back to change something and the whole thing messed up. So I can't be bothered to do it again.


Nov 10, 2003
oh yes.

Legendary Adventure

The day was very awesome , but Logan knew that he had to begin his quest today. He knew that Daler Mehndi would be waiting for him at the end, and that they would have a bitchin duel to the death. But he also knew that if he didn't kill Daler Mehndi then the entire world would go gripping .

Logan grabbed his 360 and Oblivion and went out the door. His adventure began. So he made his way to GameStop , but at the gates, a angry , gigantic Lvl. 39 Battlemage was there.

The Lvl. 39 Battlemage looked at Logan and snarled, If you want to enter GameStop then you must answer my riddle! If a crowbar and a dog were to be put in a blender with a wireless controller what would come out?

Logan replied with, Why, thats simple! A computer !

The Lvl. 39 Battlemage had a hatred look on its face as it said, What? How did you know the answer was computer ! Well, I must keep my word, you may enter GameStop .

So Logan entered the town, he knew what he had to do. He needed to find the nearest bojangles and ask for Geddy Lee . Geddy Lee was supposed to know where the Bass guitar of GameStop was hidden. It wasn't long before Logan found Geddy Lee .

Logan looked at Geddy Lee and said, I must know, where is the Bass guitar of GameStop ?

Geddy Lee said, Ha, you think I tell that to just anyone? You must prove you are worthy by answering a riddle! What has 4 thumbs , always screams shit , and slaughter like crazy?

Logan look very funny as he said, That is even eaiser then the one at the gate! The anwer is a interesting faceplate !

Geddy Lee looked shocked! Well, a promise is a promise! The Bass guitar of GameStop is located in the basement of his room , he said.

So Logan went to the basement of his room and found the Bass guitar of GameStop in a small chest. He remebered seeing a pedistal on the main floor of his room that had in imprint of a Bass guitar on it! So Logan put the Bass guitar of GameStop on it and suddenly a inconsiderate light shone!

Daler Mehndi suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very stupid , fat , and ugly goat with him, and he had a boring look on his finger . He said, You know I will kill you with my goat . And just as he said the he swung the goat at Logan , but Logan pulled out his own goat and blocked the blow. They continued their goat fight, until Logan delivered one final evil blow to the arm of Daler Mehndi .

As Daler Mehndi layed in a pool of his own blood he died. Logan raised his goat in triumph! He announced that today was the most wise and withered day ever.

And so the legend goes.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Legendary Adventure
The day was very retarded , but muhammed knew that he had to begin his quest today. He knew that your mother would be waiting for him at the end, and that they would have a stupid duel to the death. But he also knew that if he didn't kill your mother then the entire world would go stinky .
muhammed grabbed his house and kitty and went out the door. His adventure began. So he made his way to the love den , but at the gates, a groovy , funky retard was there.

The retard looked at muhammed and snarled, If you want to enter the love den then you must answer my riddle! If a fingah and a liger were to be put in a blender with a xbox 360 what would come out?

muhammed replied with, Why, thats simple! A ps2 !

The retard had a retarded look on its face as it said, What? How did you know the answer was ps2 ! Well, I must keep my word, you may enter the love den .

So muhammed entered the town, he knew what he had to do. He needed to find the nearest adult heaven and ask for star wars kid . star wars kid was supposed to know where the broomstick of the love den was hidden. It wasn't long before muhammed found star wars kid .

muhammed looked at star wars kid and said, I must know, where is the broomstick of the love den ?

star wars kid said, Ha, you think I tell that to just anyone? You must prove you are worthy by answering a riddle! What has 47 balls , always screams fucksticks! , and shagadelic like crazy?

muhammed look very crazy as he said, That is even eaiser then the one at the gate! The anwer is a homo railgun !

star wars kid looked shocked! Well, a promise is a promise! The broomstick of the love den is located in the basement of my pants , he said.

So muhammed went to the basement of my pants and found the broomstick of the love den in a small chest. He remebered seeing a pedistal on the main floor of my pants that had in imprint of a broomstick on it! So muhammed put the broomstick of the love den on it and suddenly a reluctant light shone!

your mother suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very luminescent , dilligent , and funny meow mix with him, and he had a scared look on his balls . He said, You know I will kill you with my meow mix . And just as he said the he swung the meow mix at muhammed , but muhammed pulled out his own meow mix and blocked the blow. They continued their meow mix fight, until muhammed delivered one final hyperactive blow to the penis of your mother .

As your mother layed in a pool of his own semen he died. muhammed raised his meow mix in triumph! He announced that today was the most tasty and sexy day ever.

And so the legend goes.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Ok, I definitely nominate that for best thing ever posted on these boards.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
there are too many boxes, my creative juices runs out way to fast for it.


Legendary Adventure

The day was very humble , but Brian Peppers knew that he had to begin his quest today. He knew that Odeth would be waiting for him at the end, and that they would have a gigantic duel to the death. But he also knew that if he didn't kill Odeth then the entire world would go smelly .

Brian Peppers grabbed his umbrella and orange and went out the door. His adventure began. So he made his way to Bojangle's , but at the gates, a boring , pole-cat-smelling ***hat was there.

The ***hat looked at Brian Peppers and snarled, If you want to enter Bojangle's then you must answer my riddle! If a movie and a kitty were to be put in a blender with a gl*** what would come out?

Brian Peppers replied with, Why, thats simple! A book !

The ***hat had a disturbed look on its face as it said, What? How did you know the answer was book ! Well, I must keep my word, you may enter Bojangle's .

So Brian Peppers entered the town, he knew what he had to do. He needed to find the nearest Border's and ask for Logan . Logan was supposed to know where the pipe cleaner of Bojangle's was hidden. It wasn't long before Brian Peppers found Logan .

Brian Peppers looked at Logan and said, I must know, where is the pipe cleaner of Bojangle's ?

Logan said, Ha, you think I tell that to just anyone? You must prove you are worthy by answering a riddle! What has 5 legs , always screams By the beard of Zeus! , and kicks like crazy?

Brian Peppers look very lame as he said, That is even eaiser then the one at the gate! The anwer is a fat man!

Logan looked shocked! Well, a promise is a promise! The pipe cleaner of Bojangle's is located in the basement of the mall , he said.

So Brian Peppers went to the basement of the mall and found the pipe cleaner of Bojangle's in a small chest. He remebered seeing a pedistal on the main floor of the mall that had in imprint of a pipe cleaner on it! So Brian Peppers put the pipe cleaner of Bojangle's on it and suddenly a stupid light shone!

Odeth suddenly emerged from the light, he was carrying a very thick , dirty , and scary moustache with him, and he had a green look on his medulla oblongata . He said, You know I will kill you with my moustache . And just as he said the he swung the moustache at Brian Peppers , but Brian Peppers pulled out his own moustache and blocked the blow. They continued their moustache fight, until Brian Peppers delivered one final shiny blow to the nose of Odeth .

As Odeth layed in a pool of his own blood he died. Brian Peppers raised his moustache in triumph! He announced that today was the most stupendous and weird day ever.

And so the legend goes.
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Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #9
good lord, one of my new favorite quotes ever: "Logan raised his goat in triumph!"

EDIT: these are funny, too, but not as good:

muhammed delivered one final hyperactive blow to the penis of your mother .
You know I will kill you with my moustache .


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #11
i'll make a new one, that will hopefully be as good