Final Fantasy XIII Treasure Hunter


The Chairman
This will be a thread detailing the painful hair pulling of the dreaded FF13 treasure achievements.

85 more Weapons/Accessories to go.
Yea, that's one that eluded well as the 3 star (or whatever it was called) every hunter mission. I was NOT going through that final hunt mission again. Too annoying/rinse/repeat.

Though there IS a very easy way (if you managed to hold onto/acquire the missable items). Though I was even too lazy to do that.
EAsy way.... Easy way..... and 5 star the mission not 3 star. Ugh but i has the gold watch now so I has faith.
The final hunt is easier than shitting in the bed if you know how to work your paradigms.
Sen sen sen for big defense for whirlwind attack
syn syn syn when it is untouchable
sab sab sab when he comes out to poison him
rav rav rav then to stagger him / kill him until he goes to untouchable

rinse and repeat

shitting in bed is easy? hmmm
The final hunt is easier than shitting in the bed if you know how to work your paradigms.

It was easy....I just couldn't be bothered with attempting that 30-45 minute rinse cycle with a controller attached more than once in attempts to 5 star it.

Though for an easy way to get the item collector, here are some easy steps: (though i never did it....again, i iz t3h lazy)
1.) Transfer save file to to flash drive
2.) Go to computer and load up save editor
3.) Max munnies
4.) Buy manufacturing items
5.) Rinse repeat till you have enough crap to make everything.

PS. Feel free to write your guide. I'm sure it will help people do it legit.

That means Travis did it in 40 hours compared to the 100+ it took me

oh its not a guide, its just 85 posts for each time I knock another one out of the park.