Fuck You Game Industry


Internet Rage Machine
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2007
I think I've had about all I can take with the game industry these days.

I've been craving a good enthralling game for weeks now. I was going to replay Bioshock or Fallout 3 (both of which I've played about a dozen times over) but I decided to look for something new to try.

For three days now I have looked throughout the modern video game library for something else, and I got jack shit to show for it. Seriously, the closest two games I haven't tried were Metro 2033 and I Am Alive. Both of which are overpriced and terrible in their reviews.

There isn't one single game worth playing in the near future. I'm so sick of being willing to spend money on a game, and seeing nothing but uninspiring garbage or tasteless ripoffs. Why can't I get Fallout 4 by Bethesda in the works or a good Bioshock sequel to come out this year? Is that to much to ask?

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Nov 10, 2003
Looking back, I think New Vegas was a better game than Fallout 3.



Internet Rage Machine
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Feb 7, 2007
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Looking back, I think New Vegas was a better game than Fallout 3.




Look at'ma pickle!
Aug 7, 2012
seeing nothing but uninspiring garbage or tasteless ripoffs.

Calm down, buddy.


Mar 9, 2011
i just dont think you're trying hard enough. there are plenty of games coming out that look good. but more than that why are you looking for a new game? there are plenty of old games that are great too. i hate when people complain about the gaming industry when there are just so many good cgames that have come out for next gen consoles since their launch. and you're crying about i am alive being overprice? its an arcade game! its like 12 dollars. yea it might be overpriced, but you cant buy lunch now-a-days for 12 dollars. who gives a shit?


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Metro 2033 is worth playing, the combat is pretty weak but the rest of the game is great.


Internet Rage Machine
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First off all scrappy, no there isn't one single good next gen game coming out this year. Second, I've played ever "old" game under the sun. All I can do now is be shackled to the new games rolling off the line. Third, I Am Alive is $15, and from the look of it, garbage repetitiveness. Just because you can swallow the game industry's jizz doesn't mean I'm the problem.

Who the fuck is this Rum Texas douche queer-steer? Fuck you Rum, why don't I calm your mom down in bed.


Mar 9, 2011
First off all scrappy, no there isn't one single good next gen game coming out this year. Second, I've played ever "old" game under the sun. All I can do now is be shackled to the new games rolling off the line. Third, I Am Alive is $15, and from the look of it, garbage repetitiveness. Just because you can swallow the game industry's jizz doesn't mean I'm the problem.

did mommy and daddy not get you the christmas presents you want growing up? my god. usually people play something before writing it off as bad. first off, dont say "there isnt one good next gen game coming out this year." because all games coming out this year are next gen. nobody's going "omg i cant wait for that new mario game to come out on super nintendo." and with borderlands 2, darksiders 2 and AC3 coming out this year im looking pretty damn forward to all of them. i said next gen games in relation to "old" next gen games. meaning stuff that was released 5,6 even 7 years ago. and with a gamer score of only 87k you havent even come close to playing half of the 360 games. but besides that...why not brush off your ps2 or n64 even. go play classic games that you never had a chance to. you know what i do when top 40 radio stations keep pumping out the same old bullshit? i put on classic rock. so stop crying in front of your computer and go find yourself a game.


Internet Rage Machine
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Feb 7, 2007
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did mommy and daddy not get you the christmas presents you want growing up? my god. usually people play something before writing it off as bad. first off, dont say "there isnt one good next gen game coming out this year." because all games coming out this year are next gen. nobody's going "omg i cant wait for that new mario game to come out on super nintendo." and with borderlands 2, darksiders 2 and AC3 coming out this year im looking pretty damn forward to all of them. i said next gen games in relation to "old" next gen games. meaning stuff that was released 5,6 even 7 years ago. and with a gamer score of only 87k you havent even come close to playing half of the 360 games. but besides that...why not brush off your ps2 or n64 even. go play classic games that you never had a chance to. you know what i do when top 40 radio stations keep pumping out the same old bullshit? i put on classic rock. so stop crying in front of your computer and go find yourself a game.

Alright Scrub, lets do this. Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2, and Borderlands 2 are going to be complete garbage. Assassin's Creed 3000 is just another Creed sequel with a boat level. Darksiders was garbage and its sequel is going to be no different. Borderlands 2 is another failed attempt by Gearbox to be cool (4 player co-op and no story). Don't even try to step into my realm of gaming know how. I've played more games than you've even heard of. I've played the PS2 and N64 to death. The xbox library of games is terrible, and I make every attempt not to put in trash. I also don't like to spend my money on terrible games or give cash to terrible game companies. I live on classic rock bitch. Now go watch your countdown alarm of Black Ops 2 while you try to pretend that the games you pre-ordered this year from Gamestop were worth your money you little piece of shit.


Nov 10, 2003
There are good games nowadays, NOBODY PLAYS EM THOUGH




We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
You know what a good game was?

Netflix Movie Night.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Did I just watch a team of hotdogs play football? How much do I have to pay to play this madness?


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Also, to add to the topic I guess, I'm going to have to agree with you Andrew. There is literally not one upcoming game I can think of right now that I'm excited for. Not one. And I honestly can't remember the last game that I was excited for before it was released. But I'm not sure if I've changed too much, or the industry has. I don't give two fucks about Assassin's Creed, Halo, CoD, Borderlands, Darksiders, etc, etc, etc. Even Nintendo has been letting me down recently, which is really heartbreaking as I was always a huge fan of their core franchises. But again, this makes me wonder if it's me that has changed too much. Everyone loved Skyward Sword, and I guess I had fun while I played it but it just didn't hold my interest and I gave up on it before I was even halfway through. If I think back to the last great games that I've played... I dunno, I can't think of anything recent. Red Dead Redemption maybe? I had a lot of fun with that game. Skyrim was fun, but it just didn't hold up to the experiences I had with Oblivion, and didn't come close to my time with Morrowind.

I just haven't found these blockbuster, big budget, established franchises to be enjoyable in a long time.

Oh, hey, I just thought of an upcoming game I'm kind of excited about! SimCity 5. When SimCity 5 is at the top of your list, you know there is something wrong.


Mar 9, 2011
Alright Scrub, lets do this. Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2, and Borderlands 2 are going to be complete garbage. Assassin's Creed 3000 is just another Creed sequel with a boat level. Darksiders was garbage and its sequel is going to be no different. Borderlands 2 is another failed attempt by Gearbox to be cool (4 player co-op and no story). Don't even try to step into my realm of gaming know how. I've played more games than you've even heard of. I've played the PS2 and N64 to death. The xbox library of games is terrible, and I make every attempt not to put in trash. I also don't like to spend my money on terrible games or give cash to terrible game companies. I live on classic rock bitch. Now go watch your countdown alarm of Black Ops 2 while you try to pretend that the games you pre-ordered this year from Gamestop were worth your money you little piece of shit.

there you go jumping to conclusions. 1) i've never played a call of duty game...EVER. 2) i dont pre-order games unless i really really want to play them. i either buy them when they drop to 20 bucks online or buy them used from gamestop, beat them in a week and return them so i play them all for free. AC1 was completely different from AC2. then they made 2 sequels in the AC2 timeline simply because ubisoft is enormous and they can. now AC3 will once again be completely different from AC1 and 2 just as 1 was different from 2. how do i know this? because everyone who awarded it best in show at e3 said so. darksiders was basically a zelda during the apocolypse. not the best game but it was fun. and when it inevitable drops to 30 bucks in a couple months i'll grab it. and borderlands was definitely fun to play. and i played the whole thing by myself with no co-op. regardless, im getting 2 for free because i went to the gearbox panel at Pax last year and they gave everyone there a code for a free copy. there are literally thousands of good games which im betting you've never played. or regardless, theres thousands of games you've never played which you wont know if they're good or bad until you play them. so you can do that, continue crying, or stop playing video games altogether. i'm guessing cry


Nov 10, 2003
I know one old game ya haven't played andrew.




Internet Rage Machine
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Feb 7, 2007
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there you go jumping to conclusions. 1) i've never played a call of duty game...EVER. 2) i dont pre-order games unless i really really want to play them. i either buy them when they drop to 20 bucks online or buy them used from gamestop, beat them in a week and return them so i play them all for free. AC1 was completely different from AC2. then they made 2 sequels in the AC2 timeline simply because ubisoft is enormous and they can. now AC3 will once again be completely different from AC1 and 2 just as 1 was different from 2. how do i know this? because everyone who awarded it best in show at e3 said so. darksiders was basically a zelda during the apocolypse. not the best game but it was fun. and when it inevitable drops to 30 bucks in a couple months i'll grab it. and borderlands was definitely fun to play. and i played the whole thing by myself with no co-op. regardless, im getting 2 for free because i went to the gearbox panel at Pax last year and they gave everyone there a code for a free copy. there are literally thousands of good games which im betting you've never played. or regardless, theres thousands of games you've never played which you wont know if they're good or bad until you play them. so you can do that, continue crying, or stop playing video games altogether. i'm guessing cry

I hope Ubisoft is paying you to go down on them scrub. You're pretty ignorantly minded on video games there scruby. Ass Creed was played out by brotherhood. So am I suppose to be impressed that you stood around like a chump at Gearbox's booth for a free code? You wouldn't know a good game if it bite you on the ass Scrubby.