News Gears of War 3: Emergence Day Prequel?



Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Gears of War questions at New York Comic Con spark rumors that gears may grind in an Emergence Day prequel.

The future of Gears of War was discussed over a Q&A panel at this year's New York Comic Con with such Gears talent as Joshua Ortega, Gears of War 2 writer, and Carlos Ferro, the voice of Dominic Santiago, answering questions from fans. One curious fan asked (via IGN) if there are plans to do a prequel that deal with the events of Emergency Day, the day the Locust rose from under the planet Sera and attacked the human race?

"You will not be disappointed in the next ten years," Ortega replied. "It's a ten-year plan. Gears is long-term. The lancer is the new lightsaber."

In regards to another question about additional Gears of War 2 downloadable content in the future, Ortega said, "Keep watching. You won't be disappointed."



Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Awesome, I want to burn 90% of Sera's surface with the Hammer of Dawn!