halo 2 sucks


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
See, here's the thing about those BR spawn games. First, radar is on, which is gay. Second, there's only rifles on the map, which is gay. Third, they don't come up often because the playlists are weighted toward SMG spawn games, so more often than not, I'm still going to have SMGs. And when I do get a Rifles match, how is that fair to the person who loves SMG spawns and hates starting with the Battle Rifle? Instead of making both parties happy like they tried to do, they just managed to piss everyone off, even the ones that were riding Bungie's nuts before the update. A Pro-style playlist would've been a much better solution.

And by "shitty noobfest", he means games where the winning team isn't always the better team. For example, Logan and I played the 2v2 playlist today. One of the games we got was TS on Beaver Creek with Human weapon sets. We spawned inside red base, and the other team beside blue base. They immediately got OS, rocket, and sniper, all because of the spawn points. It was 11-3 before Logan quit because it was helpless. They were both on the blue roof, one with sniper/BR, and one with rocket/BR. We had no chance.We can't sneak up on them, because any jumping we try to do to get on top of the base will set off the motion tracker, and all they have to do is wait for us to get up there and shoot a rocket at our feet. It's stupid.
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Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
Well anyone that prefers SMG spawn is a just pathetic anyways. SMG was added because a large MAJORity of the weapons on the map are made for duel wielding. If you don't like the motion tracker then you can go play your customs. The tracker is just another piece of what makes halo popular. There is no such thing as rape on Battle Creek. The sniper shouldn't cause you any trouble at all because you can get BR. That map is so freaking small that you should be able to unzoom him everytime you see him. There is most definately more than one way to kill someone camping on top of the BC bases; hopping up on top of the sides right next to them w/rocket was just you being a dumbass. Not all BR spawn playlists have Rifles on map. Thats only a select few. I can prove that to you.

I might agree with you if you were to say you got raped on Warlock w/smg spawn. I had someone do that to me 2v2 just running around on the invis thing protecting the BRs on the map. As soon as we did get control of the BRs we started raping them just like they had us. Objective games aren't much better there either.

The points you guys try to make are just sad.


Nov 10, 2003
Well anyone that prefers SMG spawn is a just pathetic anyways. SMG was added because a large MAJORity of the weapons on the map are made for duel wielding. If you don't like the motion tracker then you can go play your customs. The tracker is just another piece of what makes halo popular. There is no such thing as rape on Battle Creek. The sniper shouldn't cause you any trouble at all because you can get BR. That map is so freaking small that you should be able to unzoom him everytime you see him. There is most definately more than one way to kill someone camping on top of the BC bases; hopping up on top of the sides right next to them w/rocket was just you being a dumbass. Not all BR spawn playlists have Rifles on map. Thats only a select few. I can prove that to you.

I took your first paragraph and highlighted everything you are wrong about in red.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by Aaron
Well anyone that prefers SMG spawn is a just pathetic anyways. SMG was added because a large MAJORity of the weapons on the map are made for duel wielding. If you don't like the motion tracker then you can go play your customs. The tracker is just another piece of what makes halo popular. There is no such thing as rape on Battle Creek. The sniper shouldn't cause you any trouble at all because you can get BR. That map is so freaking small that you should be able to unzoom him everytime you see him.

Yeah, I can get him out of zoom, but then while I'm BR'ing him, he and his partner can pull out their BRs and kill me before either of them die.

There is most definately more than one way to kill someone camping on top of the BC bases; hopping up on top of the sides right next to them w/rocket was just you being a dumbass.

The point I was trying to make is that It's impossible to sneak up on someone who is on top of the base because of radar. I can't get close because they have rockets. I can't stay away because they have sniper and BRs. I'm screwed.

Not all BR spawn playlists have Rifles on map. Thats only a select few. I can prove that to you.

I know, but most of them are. Those are boring. They're like Team Shotguns with skill added in.

I might agree with you if you were to say you got raped on Warlock w/smg spawn. I had someone do that to me 2v2 just running around on the invis thing protecting the BRs on the map. As soon as we did get control of the BRs we started raping them just like they had us. Objective games aren't much better there either.

That did happen to us. The two guys on the other team were 24s before the update. They won the initial battle, and spawn killed us the rest of the time, just because they had better weapons. SMG spawns suck.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
I don't know. I've yet to be anywhere close to getting raped on battle creek. CTF on that map is fun but the time I played it, it wasn't classic which is lame. Multiflag Containment owns. Coag got a thousand times better with the BR spawn. I may be mistaken but I just played waterworks multiflag Covenant and there were 4 tanks on map.. The weapons were the same. Do you guys know what "showers" or "pro" games entail? I think pro is no shields but I can't remember.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
Pro is exactly what I want, BR spawns with no radar. SWAT is no shields, BR spawns, 2 lives per round, 3 rounds to win. Showers is all Sentinel Beams.


Nov 10, 2003
As for the propaniacs, we had a lot of fun with new accounts and raping noobs. They expire next week and I finally got an elite gamer ranking from query spree. it's funny considering perfect is 1000.



Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
That was a lot of beatdowns.. Where'd you get those stats from Logan?


Nov 10, 2003

those screenshots are from an html file it generates. it's actually really cool. you can export all the stats to excel worksheets and the like. it'd be great for you because it generates those EGR from un-purged matchmade games. you can set it to auto-download your games every night or so. pretty cool.