How To Make A Blog Entry


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
<a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-15" title="kingdedede_071026f1" src="" alt="King Dedede!" width="250" height="205" /></a>All staff members can make a blog entry right now, regular members can't, but I may change that in the future when I get more experience with the program. There's alot I don't know about wordpress, but this will hopefully be a quick overview so you guys can get started on making some entries.

To make an entry, just click "Site Admin" in the right column under the Meta Category on any regular blog page. On the next page you should see "Write" in the upper left corner of the screen. That will take you to the main posting area, which is where you'll enter your title and post content.

Here you can add images, video, music, and other media to your posts. It has all the text editing options that the forums do, but it also has a spellchecker as well. You can add "Tags" to your post which will help search engines index your entries easier so more people can read them eventually. Categories and Forum to post too you shouldn't need to worry with right now, and can just leave on their default.

All the advanced options I won't explain, because they all have their own little descriptions if you click on each of their respective arrows. I'll also note that each blog entry will count towards your post count, and I believe the comment system is supposed to work with the forum too, but I'm not presently sure if it counts towards your post count when you make a comment.

When you submit, make sure you hit "Publish" and not "Save" as "Save" only keeps your work until you publish it. Publishing it will let other people read it. You also have the option to make the post private, which means only the staff members can read it. The main page will also list the five most recent blog entries now as well.

This system is basically just a more advanced vbjournal system that we had. I hope you all will enjoy it. :)