I'm just full of hate tonight


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Here is a list of things I hate atm

1) Myself
2) All Apple products, especially quicktime
3) All religions and everybody who is religious
4) Having slept about 10 hours total this last week
5) All celebrities and everybody who cares about them
6) Myself
7) Everybody who claims to have seen UFOs. I believe there are aliens, but not that they've been to Earth.
8) Everybody who believes in ghosts
9) Fully grown men who are afraid of insects
10) Carrots
11) The internet at home
12) The internet in general
13) Technology
14) Rap
15) Ska
16) Myself
17) Daytime TV
18) Spam bots making blog comments
19) Bodybuilders
20) Time
21) British binge drinking culture
22) Nightclubs
23) Zucchini
24) My horrible indecisiveness
25) My laziness
26) My antisocialness
27) My fear of the future
28) My stubborn clinging to the past
29) My drowning nostalgia
30) Everyone who is better than me, i.e. everyone
31) The fact that I've become what I hate most
32) Most of humanity
33) Oil companies
34) People who run oil companies
35) The fact that one day everything I have ever done will be forgotten, nobody will remember my name, and my corpse will be eaten by worms
36) The fact that lamb chops contain about 1% actually edible meat
36) The fact that some people seem to honestly believe that it's ok to play loud music at 4am
37) The person who plays loud music at 4am. I hope I never fucking see him again
38) Plenty of people at school
39) Plenty of things I can't really put into words
40) Having a cold
41) Mac computers
42) Mac users. It's a brand of computer, not a social movement you asshole

I'm sure there's plenty more but I'm getting bored of writing now.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I'm sure I can come up with 8 more


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
43) Having nothing to do until sunday
44) Norton antivirus
45) That dumb bitch who keeps calling my phone and not realizing she has the WRONG NUMBER
46) The government of Myanmar
47) Hurricanes
48) The Irish
49) My 8th and 11th grade science teachers
50) Myself

There we go, that's 50


Monkeys killing monkeys
Senior Member
Nov 20, 2007

so i had graduation last night.
and 1 after it i went out only saw 3 people and they were underclass men so i guess they dont rly count.. and then my parents bitched at me and said walk home.
so not only i had to walk home in gross texas weather noone likes me and i was upset cuz i'll never see some of my grad class ever agian.. but
Shit happens
i went to operation graduation and won over 90,000 in Chips at the casino and if it was real i would of pissed in someones face.
i didnt win any prizes though i was so man!!!!. my friend won 6 times in a fucking row he got 20 bucks each time. and my other friend Won a fucking flat screen =[ i was so sad!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Man after my graduation I partied with my art teacher, who got drunk and is the coolest person ever, then I went and had sex a bunch. It was pretty cool!