Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

The mans good enough to be Spike from cowboy bebop, Orochimaru, Amon, and Starscream....why not add Big Boss to that list?
WOW HE WATCHES NARUTO IN ENGLISH, WHAT A FUCKING PLEB! Also, the only thing besides SPIKE he did right was GRUNT from ME2/3 so gtfo
The mans good enough to be Spike from cowboy bebop, Orochimaru, Amon, and Starscream....why not add Big Boss to that list?

Kid, I'm the weeaboo queen. I know who he is. I'm just saying that is a terrible choice? Big Boss is getting older, and I doubt he would provide a voice more gruff than David Hayter.
WOW Lulu finds ANOTHER reason to insult me......never fucking said I watched it dubbed I jut said he did the voice. A simple IMBD check is all it takes to find that out.
then that doesnt count worth a shit dumbass. Pleb alert. And I wouldn't call you a normal human being, but ya know.
Thats Fine I could really care less about what someone like YOU call me or thinks about me in the first place. XD
o okay, even though is probably the opinion of most of the people here. Ya keep tellin yerself that since you're a big dumbass that doesn't understand when people hate you anyway.
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Oh please Lulu you underestimate me far too much mam. I can clearly see that ppl hate me and I also Do Not Care. lol
Well seeing as how your last post has "is" instead of "it's" I can see how someone could of miss-understood what you where saying. lol
miss-understood? dude please, go the fuck away before you hurt yourself trying to write shit.
You know Im never directly an Ass to you provoked so why don't you just try not being one with me and maybe we can actually get along?
Here's the thing dumbass, I don't WANT to get along with you. YOU are too fucking stupid to understand or communicate about anything in this forum. YOU don't even understand when you are not wanted. You are fucking annoying as shit. You are a creeper and you talk too damn much about nothing at all. So seriously, get off the site I actually like and go back to your damn pony shows. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR SHIT and never will. SO FUCK OFF.