My Rationale, Peter Boyle, a Tragic Hero


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003

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There is a new addition to add to the ranks known as tragic heroes. Peter Boyle has surpassed all other qualifiers and has reached his deserving title, as he reaches all desired criteria. He was born into noble worth, as his father was already on television doing multiple things. After high school he went to the Institute of Brothers of Christian Schools, but after three years left due to not seeing religion as for him. He joined the Navy, but it was short-lived due to a nervous breakdown. This is his tragic flaw. As he started doing shows and got the main role in 1970 film Joe, he turned down lead roles in other movies because he believed they endorsed violence. This makes him responsible for his own career and fate. He continued his acting doing a variety of roles, when in 1990 he suffered from a stroke. He became a mute for six months, during which this time his popularity and career went down, falling from great heights. In 1996 the show Everybody Loves Raymond began, which is what Peter Boyle is best known for. His irreversible mistake was when he decided it would be a good idea to star in Scooby Doo 2, especially as a villain called Old Man Wickles. This, of course, was probably one of the worst choices he could have made. Instead of redeeming himself, this mistake was shortly followed by a serious error in judgment. This was when he went on the Mind of Mencia show multiple times. It is not known what was going through his head to go on the show, and remains one of the more debatable questions of the past few years.
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His death was tragic in itself, when he died due to a combination of heart disease and multiple myeloma, which is a type of cancer in bone marrow, which affects the amount of antibodies. However, he faces and accepts his death with unparalleled honor when he meets Xerxes and his army of Persians in battle on his trusty Liger, with only the aid of Red Foreman. This was an epic battle that lasted many days, and just as things were turning to Peters favor Xerxes bribed Red Foreman under the table. The next day, Red Foreman disposed of Peter Boyle, he then went on to eliminate Alex Murphy. The event Red Foreman did not expect was Alex Murphy coming back to life as Robocop. This reshuffled the deck and set into play a new course of events taking place in the past, rearranging history and forcing the battle never to happen at all, leaving Peter Boyle to die through heart disease and multiple myeloma. However, despite all this, it is still unquestionable as what Peter Boyle has become, and that is a Tragic Hero.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
basically the liger was able to hurl the rhinos so that their horns impaled the elephants in the brains.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
it decided to take a nap and is still sleeping to this day, it is usually mistaken for mount everest


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
man patrick joe logan and me think up the dumbest stories.

patrick has this shit.
logan and i have pvp.
joe has...well i can't think of anything at the moment.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
and this thread and the liger bulletin have 1000 pound cats